Coming in contact with, or even acknowledging one’s own shadow, is not a mild or half-hearted task. It is heavy, complex and ongoing. It involves looking deeply, getting clear, being honest, and having a willingness to grow. For all these reasons and more, it cannot be expected that the work will conclude at the end of this program.
Please keep in mind as you are working through these prompts, that we are not experts at shadow work, nor are we experts at you or your life. Also know that this process isn’t about perfection. In fact, the need to appear or be perfect can often get in the way of shadow work as it can repress the inherently messy and complex nature of it. We would encourage participants to approach shadow work as a curious exploration, rather than a means to an end. Even if that exploration is wavy and chaotic, like The Moon’s path in tarot, we know it is taking us somewhere, and we know that somewhere is often deep within. That is the beautiful and frustrating thing about this work - we have all the answers inside us already, we just don’t always know the route to access them.
So, as you’re moving through this, please remember that this is meant to be a gentle exploration to begin the process of engaging with the shadow. And in this work, whether you’re just beginning or have been at it for awhile, there is no “one size fits all”, no “magic formula”, no “simple solution”. Just - an earnest readiness and desire to try.
“We must sacrifice perfection on the altar of wholeness”
❂ Draw A Card Prompt: What would be important for me to know, keep in mind or consider before I begin this journey?