Projections can be defined as the act of attributing unacceptable feelings/emotions belonging to the self onto others. For example, we may condemn someone in our life for acting selfishly, even though we too have behaved in a very similar way. It is a way of confronting difficult aspects of ourselves without having to personalize the attribute or take responsibility for it.
Projections can be helpful when we catch them, because they can be an opportunity for us to acknowledge something within ourselves. It’s usually easier to spot harmful behavior in another than it is to recognize it within ourselves. The next time you notice yourself judging or critiquing another - ask yourself - “does this thing I’m judging also claim space within me?”
We often think of projection in negative terms, but it is just as possible to project goodness onto another. We sometimes do this then when we are unable to see the goodness in ourselves, and in order to participate with our goodness we need to place it somewhere else so we can appreciate it in some way. This can happen with celebrities, authority figures or anyone we admire. So when you’re thinking about projections, think not just of the “negative” qualities, but the “positive” ones as well.
We would also recommend being cautious when it comes to assuming the projections of others. When we see someone “acting out”, we can not know what their experience truly is or why they are behaving as they are. And if it doesn’t go without saying, it’s not usually a good idea to tell someone else they’re “projecting”. Not only is it presumptuous, it is often not helpful to the one receiving that feedback.
“One can only speak of projection when doubt arises and that until then, the assertion that there is a projection is not legitimate. Only when within myself I feel insecure can I begin to speak of projection, and not before. Projection implies that I am no longer entirely convinced, that I am already to a certain extent out of the participation mystique; until then, there is no projection.”
❂ Draw A Card Prompt: What is something I should be aware of as it relates to my own projections?