Tarot Tip Of The Day

Everyday in this space, you will find a simple lesson, tip or insight to help you deepen your connection with tarot. We use actual cards to inspire these tips, which is to say that tarot itself can teach you how to become a better tarot reader! Come back daily to learn more!

The direction that the characters face in the card san tell us a lot about the person’s perspective, where they are headed and what they are focused on. Are they facing straight on? That could indicate a power position or being firmly in the present. Are they turned to the side? That could indicate they are looking forward or backward, to the past or to the future. Do they have their back turned? That could mean they are ready to leave the present situation, no looking back.

We can take this method a step further by observing the other cards that fall around a card that demonstrates direction (if you’re dealing with a multiple card spread that is). Take the 2 of Wands for example. What are they looking toward? If there is another card to the left of the 2 of Wands, that could give some insight into what’s on the horizon. Here is a visual to help it make sense.

Below we see the 2 of Wands gazing in the direction of the 2 of Cups. In this case, perhaps the 2 is looking forward to partnership, a new collection or even love.

Keep in mind, these details aren’t necessarily meaningful all of the time. When you’re doing an actual reading, check in with your intuition to see what pops. You may be compelled to regard directions in one reading, and in another, completely omit them.

Today’s tip was inspired by the 2 of Wands. Come back tomorrow for another quick and simple tarot tip!

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