Something has drawn you to this exploration, and so on some level you know there is something for you here; something to learn, something to be gained. We can’t predict what your benefits will be, but we can provide some possibilities from our own experiences and those of others.
Generally speaking, shadow work can help you…
Gain a deeper understanding of yourself, which can often provide valuable insight into others as well (“know thyself”, “as within, so without”).
Learn to accept yourself and others.
Discover what makes you unique.
Improve communication so as to enhance clarity and reduce confusion.
Reduce conflict and tension internally and externally.
Liberate aspects of yourself that desire expression.
Improve your overall health, outlook and wellbeing.
Move through the world in a more conscious and conscientious manner.
Enhance your cognitive clarity and decision making ability.
Recognize familial or generational patterns.
Improve or make important changes to relationships in your life.
Gain more influence over your impulses and reactions.
Enhance your intuition.
Better understand your dreams.
Transcend patterns or cycles that have been harmful.
Become safer to yourself and others.
See the goodness in yourself and others.
❂ Draw A Card Prompt: What is one significant way that shadow work may benefit me?