The Frank Files Julia Eve The Frank Files Julia Eve

The Frank Files Entry 3: Pluto Retrograde

The last time we talked to Frank in an organized fashion was last Saturday, November 7th. Our first formal introduction to Frank was on May 24th, 2020.

The two entries that precede this one cover the timeline of January 1, 2020 - sometime in March.

Because stories rarely unfold in a perfect line, we will aptly allow this one to function more like a spiral. With that being said, I’d like to start this post with a piece of music titled O Radiant Dawn by James MacMillan and Apollo5. It was given to us last week via our communication channel with the still undisclosed Frank. It will serve as an appropriate introduction to access the vibration of this update and also remind us, no matter where this goes, music remains an important theme.

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The Frank Files Julia Eve The Frank Files Julia Eve

The Frank Files Entry 2: 417hz

For the days following the purchase of Becoming Supernatural, we spent some time searching online and through our own resources trying to uncover what the word gamma meant for us.

In this frenzied discovery process, we uncovered a handful of interesting leads and connections which I will highlight below.

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The Frank Files Julia Eve The Frank Files Julia Eve

The Frank Files Entry 1: "Write Gamma"

How do I begin a story that hasn’t concluded? How can I express personal events in a way that will capture the attention of those who haven't experienced them? There are so many “we don’t knows” when it comes to the discovery of Frank, but we are hoping it is still possible to convey the essence of this journey and its significance. And who knows, perhaps some of what we discover will resonate with the reader. Maybe you even hold a key that will help shed some light on what we uncover. Or perhaps you too will find yourself stumbling through a sea of bizarre synchronicities and occurrences wondering what the heck it all means.

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Personal Julia Eve Personal Julia Eve

Reflecting On My Reading Style

I had a wonderful exchange with a client/peer recently about readings styles. It occurred to me in that exchange that I don’t really explain my process and I’ve maybe never clearly communicated how my way of doing things may differ from others.

This is no criticism, just an observation that I made of myself following an exchange. And specifically, I’m referring to my tendency to not explain what a card technically means. When I’m reading, I take all that in, but then transform it quickly into the message, and I don’t really bother to explain how that’s informed. I don’t plan on changing this because it’s just the way I read, but it got me thinking that it might be helpful to include more about my style on my Services page.

Anyway with that being poorly said, I have added a handful of bullet points to my services to highlight what I just discussed. I hope that helps to make me feel more real.


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learning, Tips & Techniques Julia Eve learning, Tips & Techniques Julia Eve

20 Questions About Love

To honour Valentine’s Day, I’ve put together a list of questions you can ask about love when consulting the cards. I framed these with the intention of getting the best insight possible, meaning, I stayed away from closed- ended questions and any invasion of privacy i.e. “what does he think about me?”

I’ve sorted them into “partnered” and “singled” though some options I included in both categories because they would equally apply. You could tackle just the ones that stand out, or even construct a spread! Of course, if you’re looking for some support in these matters, you may want to order a reading. I’m offering 20% off all love themed questions for the next week. Just use code “love” at checkout! And yes, self-love inquiries apply!

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learning, Resources, General Julia Eve learning, Resources, General Julia Eve

Sun, Moon, Rising...and Tarot

Our charts are really individualized things, and one of the simplest ways to really get to know yours is to explore what is often called the Big Three. And because I like to weave everything back to tarot, we’ll also look at what the cards can add to this understanding. To begin, you will want to determine what your big three are - your Sun, Moon and Rising sign. To do this, you can find an online resource to create your chart, but you will need your time of birth in order to get an accurate read on the Rising sign in particular. I use Cafe Astrology though you can find other sites that offer similar services.

Knowing what your signs are for each aspect, we’ll explore what those aspects mean to the whole of our personality below.

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Interpretations, learning, Resources Julia Eve Interpretations, learning, Resources Julia Eve

Working With The Wild Unknown - Animal Spirit Oracle

A year ago I made a post comparing the Wisdom of the Oracle cards to tarot cards as a way to better commit them to my memory bank. It worked well and I know that article has reached plenty of people, so I challenged myself to do the same with the Animal Spirit oracle.

I do this because as many of you know, I’m a much bigger fan of tarot than I am of oracle. And while I think these oracle decks can completely stand on their own and need no association to be used thoroughly, I can’t help but always look at things (oracle or otherwise) through a tarot-centric lens.

So please honour the deck as it was intended, but also use some of this insight to help you further understand and assimilate those meanings!

I also want to note that I am absolutely in LOVE with the animal spirit oracle deck by Kim Krans - author of the Wild Unknown. And I’ll even go on record to say that I avoided this deck for a long time because I didn’t actually think we’d get along. It was only one day when I was itching for a new deck and found myself in Indigo that I reached for the package and let’s just say, I’ve basically not put it down since.

And with that, let me share with you how I’ve compared each card. Perhaps if you’re more familiar with this deck than you are with tarot, this list may even help you understand tarot cards in a new way! Some of the associations were very obvious to me and some of them took some flexing on my part. Have a look after the cut and see what you think!

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Julia Eve Julia Eve

Promos & Updates

It’s Family Day here and I’m grabbing a moment to give you a rapid fire post filled with updates, news and other bit and bobs in terms of what’s happening in my world and this space!

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General, Personal Julia Eve General, Personal Julia Eve

Notes From The Macrocosm

I posted nothing with the exception of a playlist in the month of January, and even though this is unusual for me, I also know enough at this point to trust in my ebbs and flows. While my blog has arguably suffered from inactivity, I’ve been in greater creative throws where other endeavors are concerned. And through that, I’ve had some time to reflect and pay attention to the reminders that universe or spirit or whatever has been graciously sending my way.

Here’s what I’ve learned or what has been reinforced through the month of January. Maybe you’ll find some pieces relateable, maybe a light-bulb will go off, or maybe you’ll completely disagree and leave an angry message in the comments. I don’t know, let’s go!

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learning, Resources Julia Eve learning, Resources Julia Eve

Spirit Guide Challenge: An Introduction

Note: This was the second iteration of a challenge I offered in 2016. Since the time of this post, I would say my idea of spirit guides has evolved immensely. For this reason, I have removed the guidebook I once offered. I will keep this original post in the hopes it serves those who find it, though if you asked me today what a spirit guide is, I’d likely give an updated explanation which you can read more about. In addition, I have added two new Spirit Guide reading options more aligned with my beliefs to date.


As I readied myself to post a reminder on my Instagram today, I realized I was getting ahead of myself and that it would be worthwhile to post a basic primer in this space for those new to the topic of guides.

Before we get into a couple basics, I’m going to add a big ole disclaimer now so I don’t need to keep repeating myself. No one can tell you what any of this definitively is, what it means or how it works. All the information contained in this challenge has been interpreted through my own filters and set of experiences. If your views differ, it doesn’t mean they are wrong. If you experiences vary, it doesn’t mean they lack legitimacy. I believe we all perceive that which exists tangibly and that which exists spiritually through our own unique lens. And my understand of these things continues to evolve and change. So we must timestamp this to say that on this date, the information contained within fits the framework I’ve come to understand - but that’s not to say things can’t change.

Also, your guide doesn’t care if you know its type or whatever. These concepts are very human in the sense that they allow us to box things in for better understanding. That’s okay - but it’s also okay to just let it be what it is without labels or explanations. Go forward as you feel is best!

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Interpretations Julia Eve Interpretations Julia Eve

In-Depth with the 4 of Pentacles

“If you want love and abundance in your life, give it away.” - Mark Twain

“If you love it, set it free”, “if it’s meant to be it will be”, “que sera sera” - just a sample of quotes that capture the essence of letting go for the greater good. This themes crops up many times across the tarot. Think, the 6 of Swords, the 8 of Cups, the dreaded Tower or even worse Death…to name but a few.

But the 4 of Pentacles gets a bit lost in this conversation, and I think is a generally speaking more difficult translation. But all we need to do is mind our protagonist’s body language to get to the heart of this card’s message. Sitting down, looking straight on, closed off, arms folded, tight grip - what can we conclude? The Pentacles in this case do not occupy negative space, they sit close to the body. This is the posturing of someone who is desperately afraid to lose what they’ve already acquired. But why? Maybe they don’t believe they deserve it? Maybe they fear that if it does slip away, they’ll never gain it back? Perhaps they’re not even sure if it’s theirs to begin with. It is both the depiction of someone who is protective and greedy. Someone who has placed great value on material possession, but understand that value may come from a place of fear and not superficiality.

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Just For Fun Julia Eve Just For Fun Julia Eve

A Holiday Gift Guide for Mystics and Seekers

Welcome to my first ever (but hopefully now annual) Holiday Gift Guide for mystics, seekers and lovers of all things metaphysical! In this post, I’ve going to share with you some incredible, unique, beautiful and affordable offerings from around the web and throughout the globe. I know it’s still pretty early, but the holidays do tend to sneak up on us every year. And now that Halloween is officially wrapped, it’s time to start shifting gears.

I want to waste no time, so let’s get to it. Some of the features in this list are very specific products, some are links to full stores or an artist’s larger body of work, but all are pure magick. Please enjoy the selection below which focuses specifically on small business as opposed to big box - hopefully it will inspire you for the upcoming holiday season!

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Tips & Techniques, learning Julia Eve Tips & Techniques, learning Julia Eve

Follow The Signs: Making Sense of Those Repeating Numbers

When I was in college, I began seeing 11s everywhere. Most commonly, I would catch the time 11:11 or 1:11. At that point in my life, I wasn’t super connected to spirituality in very obvious ways. I was 19 years old, a bit disconnected, just trying to navigate life transitions.

The numbers happened so frequently though that one day I decided to Google 11:11 and that was when I found entire communities devoted to some kind of so-called “awakening”. It was described as a “key”, “portal”, “gateway” to higher consciousness. We were undergoing a shift, a leveling up, and those sensitive to these energies would see 11:11 as a sign that they were on the right path and a reminder of their true spiritual nature.

I was intrigued. And looking back, I can say that time in my life was pivotal in a lot of ways. A crossroads even, and the decisions I made then, very much link to where I am today.

Since then, the numbers are still a part of life, and I hear many others talk about the patterns that show up for them. Now, it’s not just 11:11. It’s 2s in sequence, or 3s. Personally and lately I’ve been seeing a lot of 4s and 5s - but what does it all mean?

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Tips & Techniques, learning, Resources Julia Eve Tips & Techniques, learning, Resources Julia Eve

Tarot: A Guide For Those Just Starting

I take for granted most days how familiar tarot as a tool has become. Like a riding a bike, or driving a car or using any of my limbs…it’s just something I do and hardly give thought to. I realize this takes time and effort to arrive at such a state and so today, I’m going to try my best to peel back my knowing and step into the landscape of a novice. What do you need to know to get started? Where would one begin? How can someone possibly memorize 78 cards, never mind reversals and then reading more than one at a time - in tandem no less?

It’s no small feat. And if you’ve been able to achieve even some of that, you’re doing very well. Tarot is a dedicated study. It is a life long process of unraveling and revealing and adapting and reconsidering. There is always more to know when it comes to this craft and so yeah, I get how starting out can be extremely overwhelming. But it’s not impossible and also, it’s a lot of fun.

So here we are. Below is a list of carefully curated resources and posts that I’ve developed through the years that I would recommend to anyone just starting out. I’ve placed them in order intentionally, so it is probably best to start at the beginning and work your way through.

At the very end, I’ll list a few additional tips as well as other websites that I think are very helpful in honing this craft. I hope you’ll enjoy it and walk away from this post a little less intimated by the process as well as excited to begin.

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General, learning Julia Eve General, learning Julia Eve

An Online Seth Intensive

Well before I launched this website, far before I began speaking freely and openly about my passions and practices, I was a student on endless quests to satisfy my curiosities surrounding things I couldn't see but, but only felt. One of my earliest teachers was a series of books by author Jane Roberts introduced to me by my dad. This collection of channeled texts was my very first foray into some of the biggest question marks around this existence, consciousness and the nature of reality.

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learning, Tips & Techniques Julia Eve learning, Tips & Techniques Julia Eve

Delivering A Memorable Email Reading Pt. 3 - Sustaining Your Practice

This is part three of the Delivering A Memorable Email Reading series. You can also go back and read Part One and Part Two if you wish. In the first installment, we focused on tools and techniques to ensure your clients get the most of the reading. In the second installment, we turned the tables to examine practices that will help you get the most of your services as a reader. Today, we'll be talking about ways to sustain your practice and ensure you're maximizing your time and energy. This is critical to examine because if you're not being mindful of your own reserves, your product and ability to deliver will inevitably suffer.

Similar to the advice in Part 2, I learned a lot of this through trial and error. For this reason, I am hopeful I can condense what took me years to sort through in such a way that we can shorten your learning curve and give you some food for thought.

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astrology, learning Julia Eve astrology, learning Julia Eve

Charting Our Dreams

A few weeks ago I posted a dream-states survey and invited those who wished to partake to share their experiences. I received quite a number back and would like to start this by offering a heart felt thank you. Not only was I in awe of the feedback, but I felt a great sense of comfort knowing that this world I escape to each night is not mine alone.

With all that being said, I spent a great deal of time pouring over the participant's birth charts because I wanted to see if there were a few areas in particular where I could draw commonalities. Astrology is complex, and I am not an expert by a long stretch - but it was fascinating none the less. Unfortunately, based on the sample size I viewed, I couldn't conclude any obvious parallels, but I would like to explain what it was I was looking for. Before I do that, let me share with you some of the fascinating experiences some of our dreamers put forth. I've just included one or two quotes for each topic and I've added my own input as well.

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Deck Impressions, review Julia Eve Deck Impressions, review Julia Eve

Deck Preview: The Threads of Fate

If you haven’t already heard about the upcoming Threads of Fate oracle deck (live on kickstarter April 25th), let me be the first to tell you about it. Before I dive in though, please note that I received the cards I’m about to share so that I could spread the word and offer my thoughts. With that being said, everything I’m about to touch on is a true and authentic reflection of my opinion. Also, I don't typically agree to receive something that I suspect I wouldn't there is also that. Back to business now...

The Threads of Fate is the brainchild of Blaire and Brit and while the aesthetic is pretty specific, I would wager if you’re a fan of the Starchild tarot, you’ll be drawn to this deck as well. And even better, if you have the Starchild tarot, I could see this as being a beautiful compliment to any readings performed with it. So, needless to say, there are some spacey similarities, but what the The Threads of Fate does for me anyway, is bring it back full circle. As above; so below - and as much as there are some of those ethereal or otherworldly imagery and vibes, there is also a lot here that is rooted is Earth. Actually, elements play a large role in the underpinning of many of the cards, and I think intuitively working with them, you’ll be able to determine what card occupies which space without so much as referencing the intended meanings.

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