Spirit, Guides & Beyond


This subject is so dear to me, but it’s been a long time since I’ve written about it formally. I think the reason is I could sense I was experiencing a shift in terms of what these concepts meant to me, and out of respect for it and out of respect for my own growth too, I needed to just sit with it.

As a little historical overview, I became interested in the subject of spirit guides in 2014 when I had, what I consider to be, the first of many wake-up calls. I read books, practiced communication, had lots of personal experiences, and even explored workshops on the topic. In 2016, I was working heavily with tarot and had this epiphany that the two elements would go beautifully together. That was when I devised a system to connect with guides with the aid of tarot. I went as far as to designate certain cards to represent different guide types, and then I took that concept and created an online challenge, inviting others to participate and get to know their spiritual teams too.

Following that, I continued to share my learnings with others, provide resources, and even ran a second version of the challenge at the beginning of 2019. Even at that time, I found it more and more difficult to put my understanding of these ideas into words. I became very aware of the inclination to “over-form” these connections and I began to consider that communication with “the unseen” may be more vast than what I’d so far been able to conceptualize.

So I began to reconsider what it all meant and how I’d describe it now, which is the culmination of lots of contemplation, direct experience, inspired insights, the work I do in conjunction with my partner, and other such things. One night as I was considering this specific post, I set the intention to receive some information in my dreams that could help me. That night I woke up around 2 am from a dream that, while technically fuzzy, left me with a more fulsome understanding of the spectrum I will soon describe, and even gave me the title for this article. It conveyed that rather than referring to this phenomena as “Spirit Guides” in sum, it would be clearer to separate the words. In this way, we are dealing with Spirit as a whole, messages or entities we perceive as being guiding forces, and then the “beyond” (that which remains ineffable and intangible).

I think words and precision are important when it comes to these concepts. This is also why I have removed older pieces, taken down resources, and added addendums to that which remains. I simply found myself in a situation where I believed in something so deeply, but no longer knew how to adequately talk about it.

I am hoping this explanation will prove helpful or at least interesting to those who come across it. The remainder of this post will be formatted as follows: A list of general principles that I uphold as it relates to my understanding of this subject, an overview of the “spectrum of spirit communication”, and then responses to the FAQs I receive on this topic.

General Principles

So, what are Spirit Guides? How does this concept take up space in my current spiritual practice? At a very high level, these principles help me to define and provide a frame of reference for my personal belief system. I encourage you to consider where and how each point converges with your own line of thinking at this time. Of course, there are likely things in this list that do not resonate and that is fine! There are no rights or wrongs in this work - just ways of perceiving.

1) The nature of the universe is inherently spiritual. This means that even the most mundane occurrences in our day could be considered messages from the divine.

2) The universe is always communicating. We may not always perceive this, and even if we do, we may not understand the message, but the chatter is happening at all times, on every level, in all ways.

3) We should not underestimate our role in this process of these connections. We are the ones, after all, who gives ultimate meaning to the message. Without us, communication would not be possible. Think of it like - the tree that falls in the forest.

4) Spirit and guides can take on any “form”, and the only limitation to this is our own imagination. While it is not necessary, giving form to guides can be helpful to better understand and integrate the messages the guide has to offer. It can also help us feel closer to the guide, as we perceive them to be more “like us”.

5) Guides are both separate from us and a part of us (as are all things).

6) All communication ultimately comes from the same source (though through the process of filtration and intervention, it may distort, become unclear, not reach the recipient etc.).

7) And as much as I have formed some level of belief about these things, I also recognize that I don’t know a lot more than I do know. So it goes without saying that there are no definitives - only current perspectives and personal truths - which is ever-evolving.

The Spectrum of Spirit Communication

With the above in mind, I have put together what I call a Spectrum of Spirit Communication. It comes from the notion that every message received is inherently spiritual in nature. The only difference is how we perceive it, what we name it, and then how we then classify it.

A few notes on the spectrum to provide a bit of context:

1) I have used the colour spectrum in association with the Chakra system as this was part of what came to me in a dream and it also seems to make a lot of sense.

2) The spectrum goes from least tangible to most tangible (grounded or rooted) however, on the two ends of the spectrum I assume there are totally imperceptible elements that I have accounted for with a quick explanation.

3) Following that train of thought, it also moves from what we perceive to be the singular self to the world at large. In this way, it could be said that the first one (and even the second to an extent) is so elusive that we rarely treat it as anything but an absolute extension of the practical self we know. On the other hand, the last 3 are often overlooked as they are considered mundane conditions of the physical world or; fate /coincidence.

4) Many individuals may look to the middle three channels (Dreams-Apparitions) for proof of connection with the other-worldly. I think this is of course valid and seems the most “impressive”, though the point of this chart is to highlight that it is all in fact very cool, and we all have access to these things.

Imperceptible Communication that happens above the level of conscious recognition. i.e. energy emitted from the Sun, Moon, solar system and beyond.
Ideas, Inspiration, Emotion These experiences are so seamless that they feel inherently us. Many don’t consider the source of such information and that is because at the level of idea, inspiration and emotion, it almost doesn’t matter where the insight came from. Our brains, spirit, god, superconciousness etc. Some people will say "Oh, I had a great idea" while another might say "I received a divinely inspired insight", but we're just describing the same thing.
Dreams, Meditation, Altered States Visions, insights, or messages that we receive in a dream (or altered state) occupy the second category. Here we begin to perceive separation from ourselves and the signals we receive. Dreams can often feel beyond us, or we can feel at the whim of them. Unlike the realm of ideas/emotions, dream-type messages begin to take a form that may feel removed from oneself. Consider this: When you are immersed in a dream, you don’t perceive a real sense of control. In that space, people and things appear to behave autonomously and have their own agenda. When you wake up, it is then you realize everything you just dreamt was literally all YOU and all FOR you. While we’re still talking about dreams here, you can see how that idea may become very analogous with what we experience in waking life.
Clair Senses This third distinction is all about receiving visions, insights or messages via our psychic senses – audio, visual, touch, smell etc. On this level, we are making use of our interior abilities, knowing the insight is coming from within us, even if it is beginning to take on very “real” characteristics. I would also put other forms of intuitive work into this category - consulting a medium, exploring divination etc.
Apparitions Here we find the bridge between the “spiritual” and the “physical”. At this point, we may be able to perceive an entity almost as if it were physical - projected outside of us and into our earthly environment. With this, we form what appears to be a clear delineation between ourselves and the beyond.
Other People We don’t often view our daily encounters with others as being mystical, though the people in our lives can be messengers just like anything else. Even though it feels mundane or ordinary, communication between colleges, family members or even strangers can be genuinely inspired. Even consider this in the context of an intuitive relaying a message, or a friend spontaneously saying something that you were just thinking, or overhearing a conversation between strangers that seems to provide an answer to something that was troubling you. The universe is always communicating - sometimes directly "at" you and sometimes "around" you, but if you're there to perceive it, involvement is implied at some level.
Animals & Nature Here we take another step away from self (or our perception of this anyway) with the appearance of animals or other things in nature. We may perceive this as having meaning or not, but in terms of the ever-communicating universe, they, like all else, have something to say. You can see this especially in the way we associate different animals to various attributes and then apply special meaning. When we encounter something in nature, whatever form that takes, consider that it is saying something. What that something is, and how much weight the message holds, is ultimately up to the observer.
Physical Signs At times, we may notice the world around us sending us signs and signals, and when this happens, we call it a synchronicity. Whether we perceive the communication or not, the physical world expresses itself in a number of ways – weather patterns, elementally, through physical objects, billboards – numbers, shapes, colours and symbols. Like the sentiments above, it is up to the observer to decide what this means and how important the message ultimately is. It may also be said that part of our ability to recognize this communication lies in our connection with our subconcious.
Imperceptible Communication that happens below the level of conscious recognition. i.e. energy emitted from the Earth and its inhabitants, perhaps even at a quantum level in our own chemistry/DNA.

So again, what the heck are spirit guides? The answer is, everything! Everything we perceive or could imagine can be a guide to us in this incarnation. Where do guides starts and we begin? That’s difficult to say. Along the spectrum, you can see many points where the lines may blur. Again, it may matter less what is “us” and what is “other” and more what the value in the message is. And in terms of this system of classification, we can use it to find meaning in the world around us and within ourselves. We can also use it to find comfort in the fact that everything is always communicating with us through the various channels just discussed. In this way, our guides are a) aspects of ourselves b) other distinct entities c) elements of the natural world, and anything else our hearts can imagine.

I don’t know why, but just saying that feels like such a relief. Okay, let’s explore some FAQs to tie some of these concepts up.

Are there spirits who once lived on Earth?

I believe our consciousness is a never-ending phenomenon so yes, just as we have lived on Earth, Spirit in all its forms may have at one “time” lived on Earth. Actually, just by the extension that we are on Earth now I think implies a “yes”. We are here - so Spirit is here, and if Spirit is here now, Spirit must have always been here and will continue to be here, because time doesn’t start or stop.

How can one differentiate between their voice and that of their guides?

I would first relax in the idea that all voices are a valid form of communication, regardless of the source. Now, that doesn’t help to practically sort out if a message is helpful or not, because it is quite possible that our own internal dialogue is fear-based and therefore, not always useful. So maybe it’s less, “is this me or my guide?” and more “is this good or is it harmful?”. To answer that, I would listen to how your body responds - what physiological response do you receive in response to the thoughts or communication? If you are frightened, tensing up, feeling anxious - that is a sign the information is more “ego inspired”. Of course, if there is something to be scared about, it is okay to hear it out! We just don’t want to give more air time than what is necessary to things that scare us.

Furthermore, if you’re looking to differentiate the mundane voice from the inspired one, I would look to the content of the message. Does this sound like the same old thing you play on repeat for yourself? Did the information surprise you? Did it seem to “come from nowhere”? When we receive messages that break up the monotony of daily trails or loops, this is an indication that the information is inspired and “breaking through”. You can call it a guide or a very high knowing place in yourself. Either way, I’d take note!

Are specific guides assigned to you at birth, or can this change depending on your current path?

If we are to give our guides form, then I would imagine that as we grow and change in ourselves, that the type of guidance we require also shifts. So I think basically, yes to all possibilities here! Perhaps we have a guide or guides who come in with us and stay for the whole duration. Perhaps some come and go. Personally, I tend to resonate with the idea that guides evolve in tandem with us and that we share the experience of guiding and being led. I also like the idea of calling forward guides to help with specific tasks. Again, I think imagination (and one’s own belief system) is the limit on this one!

How can you determine what a specific sign means?

This to me is very individual. I think depending on your own personal belief system, culture, upbringing, disposition etc. you can arrive at whatever makes the most sense and feels the best to you. If you really don’t know where to start, you can look up common meanings to things and then just see what resonates - what feels “right”? Before even doing that though, you may want to just sit with it a moment and see where you’re led. What feelings come to the surface? What thought instantly pops into your mind? Like learning to read tarot, you can always reference the books, but you cannot underestimate the value of personal experiences and intuition when determining meaning. And on the topic of tarot, if you’re still unsure, why not draw a card!

What types of spirit guides are there?

I was really hung up on this one for awhile and now I’ve gone to the other end of the pole which is to say, I think there are as many types as your own imagination will allow. As discussed in the various methods of communication above, anything can act as a guide. Guides can come from within us (think, higher self or highest knowing) or from outside of us (think, more clearly defined and “separate”). They can be entity-like and autonomous in nature. Or, they can be more ethereal and intangible, operating at other levels, but communicating none the less. Guides may be the energy of a particular type of tree, or an ancestor; a friendly conversation or the universe itself. We can allow these experiences to be loose or we can make some effort to give these elements form. Some people take comfort in angelic figures, others prefer that of mystical creatures and some may love the idea of a guide from outer space. I wouldn’t limit yourself to what you’ve read about. What type of guide do you resonate with? What feels good to have as a companion? The form is less important (though, I do see its value too) than the message and insight it provides.

How can we connect with our guides?

By all the methods listed in the chart above, for starters! Most of it begins with a simple ask though. Attention, awareness and the projecting of an intent goes a long way in opening up the channel. If you want to connect, then intend to do that. You may begin to stumble into synchronicities, receive inspired thoughts, have potent dreams etc. Of course, you can also utilize tarot or other forms of divination (pendulum and Ouija would be effective) to connect! If you’re using tarot, here is a quick spread I created which may help you forge that connection:


To conclude, I would encourage you to go back to the chart above and give it once over. Ask yourself - is there one method of communication that resonates more than others? Is there one I would like to better develop? Is there one I hadn’t considered and maybe find more elusive? Consider the ways in which you relate to each of these methods and then go out into the world and observe what comes forward - are you picking up on messages you’d missed previously? Are you finding one of the channels to be opening up more than others?

The idea of Spirit and Guide communication is such a large topic that I couldn’t possibly cover it all with a post. I do hope though that you have found some of this helpful as you consider the ways in which you relate to the ever-communicating universe. If you take nothing else, I hope you will leave with the belief that we are all capable of forming deep connections with both the Spirit within and the Spirit without - regardless of what form that takes.



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