The Frank Files Entry 2: 417hz
“There is geometry in the humming of the strings, there is music in the spacing of the spheres.”
Please note we have used (*) to indicate a reference, resource or explanation which can be found at the end of this article.
Also note that while this particular entry is written by myself, Julia, the story also involves my partner Tim and we will inevitably take turns in the writing.
If you’re just jumping in, you may want to go back a step and read entry 1 as it provides a proper foundation.
For the days following the purchase of Becoming Supernatural, we spent some time searching online and through our own resources trying to uncover what the word gamma meant for us.
In this frenzied discovery process, we uncovered a handful of interesting leads and connections which I will highlight below.
1) The Solfeggio tones* made it to the top of our list of interests and is something that will find its way through this journey. Music’s influence on brain activity is well documented and you can find many tracks created using these specific tones, designed to activate various states - including gamma. Could this be a message from spirit that we should be exploring music? healing? The importance of sound and vibration?
2) While we still haven’t been able to nail this one down, we did and do suspect that sound is evident in the symbology of tarot in some way shape or form. We spent a lot of time exploring various systems in order to associate the actual tones to particular cards. I’m not convinced that there is any perceivable alignment there, but it is certain that music plays an important role in the construction of tarot. In the Inner Order Teachings of the Golden Dawn**, you can find tone associations to astrology, and we know astrology and tarot share an intimate connection. In addition, the tarot itself contains very musical language. The cards are often referred to as “keys” and the deck itself is divided into a MAJOR and a MINOR arcana. In all this discovery, I began to suspect the use of keys as imagery in the cards was code for tones or vibration. Take the Hierophant for example. Are the keys at his feet perhaps not about opening doors, but combining the right frequencies? Who knows, but it’s an interesting thought.
3) While breaking our brains trying to connect everything back to tarot, we simultaneously explored the tones in association with anatomy. Was there a specific area of the body or mind that they spoke to? We tried to make this work using what was already understood of the scale and then cross-referencing with different occult and kabbalistic texts. Our findings in this regard remain speculation and don’t really add much except to say, you can make just about anything work if you look in the “right” places.
4) Another connection is actually a personal one being my dad and his work both with the occult and music. My dad introduced me to magick and tarot at a very young age and so while my interest exists outside of this, he has definitely been an influence. He’s also a musician and when I told him about some of what we’d been exploring, he shared an experience he had with a psychic some 40 years back. In this encounter, he was told he would make music that would have healing qualities and that when people would listen to the music, there would be an impact on their beings beyond simply enjoying the sounds. We know sound healing is a valid modality and that other musicians have employed their understanding of ritual/the occult in order to infuse their music and performances***. We’re still not sure how this directly impacts the original message, but it’s a link worth noting.
5) Another interesting synchronicity that we uncovered took us back to the Dolphin card that I pulled during the original session. While I was investigating the book Becoming Supernatural, I decided to Google: "How to get into the gamma wave state". The first article I clicked**** contained a passage that implied Dolphins and Whales operate on this frequency. Do they actually? I don’t know. But one of the articles goes on to elaborate as such:
“When someone vibrates at Gamma brain frequency, they have rapid and vivid memory recall, these are the people who can remember word by word what you said, including what you were wearing, where it was said, even to the state that which song was playing at the back or the movie was playing. They have hyper-sharp focus in the moment. This is called ‘in the moment, in the flow, being in now — in the zone’ state.”*****
So knowing the original message was “write gamma”, was I perhaps being asked not to write about gamma, but to write in gamma state? And in that place, would I be writing from my normal consciousness or would I be channeling something else?
Now here is where we insert a warning. It is exciting to stumble into something that seems to be leading somewhere, but that excitement can quickly turn to zeal and then to outright anxiety. In the exploration of a million avenues that seem to lead nowhere and everywhere all at once, you come to find one piece of truth. Everything is connected. But in this, you will also find that it is just as plausible that all things are meaningful as it is that all things are meaningless. and the pursuit of either of these possibilities can drive a person to the brink. My advice would be this: let your inner wellbeing be your guide as you manage any mystery. If you feel inspired and energized, keep going! If you feel drained, frantic, anxious, or unwell, please stop or slow down. Your body will provide the perfect response and is another intuitive tool to lead you forward in the best way possible.
So with a bit of burnout on both of our parts, we took a step back to just sit with the information. There was no definitive next step, nothing that stood out as being the ultimate answer, and no clarity in terms of what to explore next. But in that small lull, something else strange occurred: I received a deck in the mail that we’d ordered back in December.
The night I added that deck to my Amazon cart I had no idea what I was purchasing. Tim told me that he was a fan of Alana Fairchild’s oracle decks and she had a new one coming out called the White Light Oracle******. I have never owned a deck of hers, but I’ve always heard good things about her work. Neither of us knew what this particular deck was about. We didn’t search images, we didn’t research, we just looked at the front of the box and put it in the cart. This was probably 2 weeks before the end of the year so it’s important to note that I hadn’t yet consulted the board and the string of synchronistic events hadn’t yet begun.
Now imagine our surprise when I opened the box and found all 9 Solfeggio tones incorporated into the cards with another handful speaking to various wave states - including one for gamma. How did we manage to stumble into something neither of knew anything about, based on a simple Ouija message, only to end up with an oracle deck 2 weeks later that literally contained the exact same information? I don’t know - but that word, “gamma”, and all its associations were not letting up!
So maybe we didn't know where this was going, but one thing was certain. The tones were important, brainwaves are important and even if we didn't have a clear direction, we were on the right track. Spirit was clearly enjoying our discovery and wanted us to continue on.
You may be thinking that we’ve strayed pretty far from the original session with the board. How did two innocent words lead to the dozen or so rabbit holes we found ourselves in? I believe all paths have some purpose, and all things happen in divine time, and our work with the board and what comes through it is far from over. And yes, I realize I still haven’t clarified who Frank is or what the name means, but we have more to unpack before we can do that. In fact, in the re-reading of this entry, we stumbled into yet another important connection around the various brainwave states, so next week we will share more on that!
If you want to continue to follow along and see where this strange story goes, come back on Saturday, November 14th to read entry #3!
Julia & Tim
*We are not historians nor music experts, so cannot make any claims to the validity of the scale or its uses. Our interest in this topic is its insistence on being known to us. You can research for yourself to see how and if it resonates. Here is a metaphysically focused resource/explanation:
**Inner Order Teachings of the Golden Dawn. Tone associations can be found on the 77th page.
***There are many known artists who also share a love of magick and make reference to this both in art as well as performance. One example is Led Zeppelin.
****I pulled the Dolphin card after receiving the Gamma message on the board. This article implies that Dolphins operate at the gamma frequency.
*****This website contains the quote referenced.