The Frank Files Entry 1: "Write Gamma"
“Synchronicity is the coming together of inner and outer events in a way that cannot be explained by cause and effect and that is meaningful to the observer.”
How do I begin a story that hasn’t concluded? How can I express personal events in a way that will capture the attention of those who haven't experienced them? There are so many “we don’t knows” when it comes to the discovery of Frank, but we are hoping it is still possible to convey the essence of this journey and its significance. And who knows, perhaps some of what we discover will resonate with the reader. Maybe you even hold a key that will help shed some light on what we uncover. Or perhaps you too will find yourself stumbling through a sea of bizarre synchronicities and occurrences wondering what the heck it all means.
This story officially begins on January 1, 2020 though unofficially, the story began before this date and has no conclusion in sight. Tim and I of course love a good mystery and have spent much of our lives fascinated by what we can’t see and aren’t able to prove. I think we both adhere to the philosophy that it is infinitely more interesting to believe, and so while we are discriminating, we also definitely want to go bigfoot hunting one day. With that said, it’s not out of character for either of us to turn to spirit either through internal dialogue, the cards or other methods of divination - this is just how we operate. On that particular day, January 1, I felt a powerful draw to use the Ouija board that we’d acquired Halloween of 2019 at a local Spirit Halloween. Very mysterious circumstances, I know - but the board is just a board and so does it really matter if it’s made by Mattel or found in a lake (Ouija Shark* reference - check it out)?
Anyway, I grabbed the board and since I didn’t have a good sense of what I wanted to ask, I settled with a vague "what am I supposed to do?" Keep in mind, the compulsion to use the board was visceral - but mentally I had no real grasp on why that was the case. I was simply following an urge and hoping my brain knew what to do with it.
The board planchette moved under me quicker than I would have anticipated and spelled the word "write".
I was unimpressed. "Write" could apply to anyone in almost any life circumstance. I'm sure this is my subconscious speaking, looking for an easy answer to satisfy me at this moment.
"What am I supposed to write?" I asked as a follow-up, to which the board just as quickly spelled the word "gamma".
Ok, now I was a bit more intrigued. The word gamma meant very little to me. In all my exploration to date, I didn't have any quick reference points to call upon. I knew it was a letter in the Greek alphabet, which I also knew Tim could shed some light on later. Other than that, the only association my mind found was "ray" and that seemed completely irrelevant.
I asked the board to reaffirm or extrapolate a couple of times, but it would barely budge except to continually go back over and point at “G”. I closed the session by pulling one card from the Animal Spirit oracle deck**, receiving the ever joyful Dolphin. This was the same card Tim pulled for me for my birthday a couple weeks prior and so it was a welcome sight. The card is visually cheerful and I felt confident that whatever I'd connected to was gentle and in alignment with what was planned for the year. And that was it. I made a mental note to Google possibilities for “gamma” later and then got on with the night.
However, somewhere between 30 and 60 minutes later I received a private message on Instagram that took the ouija session from vague to inspired. I rarely get random direct messages on Instagram and even less common is a random message that is actually of interest. This one was random, and it was interesting and it was also very synchronistic. The sender was a new follower and the note read as such:
“You might like this! Something lovely from me to you cap sister.”
Along with that message was a link to a PDF download***.
While I don’t always accept things I am offered, I was drawn in by the word “lovely” as it holds special significance to me in my relationship to Tim, and the mention of my sun sign told me this person had at least taken a second to read my profile.
I clicked the link and was shocked. It was a file about brainwaves and 7 pages down I found a reference to “gamma” - complete with an image of the wave and a definition that read: “expanded consciousness, super learning, connectedness to all that is, transcendence”.
I love a good synchronicity, but I admit this was so specific it actually freaked me out a bit. In that moment, I knew the message from the board was far more meaningful than my subconscious feeding back what I would expect of it. I had stumbled into a word that in a manner of 1 hour went from elusive to clear, and this was really only the very beginning of things. That same night I spoke with Tim and filled him in. We both felt struck by the event, but obviously very unsure what it meant or if there was anything else to come from it.
The next morning something else weird occurred. While it may sound really mundane to some, we each slept through our alarms. Let me explain why this stands out to us. Tim and I have a very specific routine that includes a morning talk that begins at the same time, each day. We NEVER miss this. When I woke up to see that it was 30 minutes later than our talk time, I panicked, but then I realized he hadn’t texted either so, where was he? How did we both miss this? I called him and was able to wake him up and explain I’d also just woken up. Why did we both sleep in? How did we both miss alarms that our phones assure us went off over and over again? It’s never happened before and it hasn't happened since, and is it a coincidence that it occurred following a set of other odd incidents the day previous? Maybe we were abducted or maybe ghosts have now possessed our bodies and are forcing us to sleep more? I had no idea but I was a bit, again, freaked out.
The day carried on and I have a chance to read a bit more of the PDF that was shared with me. In it I find several references to an author I was unfamiliar with named Joe Dispenza. I made a mental note, but didn’t explore further. Of course, when I later logged into my Amazon account, I was met with another synchronicity (or evidence of technology spying) being a suggestion for the book Becoming Supernatural**** by Joe Dispenza. I didn’t have much time at that point, so I added it to my wishlist and forgot about it. I can’t recall if I mentioned it to Tim or not, but it was not the last time this book or author would land on our radar in the days to follow. While out for dinner with Tim’s mom and a friend, we got on the topic of dream states and the friend we were with made a reference to the Delta wave. I was aware of the synchronicity and shared that we’d had brainwave stuff come up recently. It was then that she suggested I read the book Becoming Supernatural by Joe Dispenza - she even had the book on her to show us! I obviously couldn't ignore the message any longer so I added it to cart and now own a copy. And in fact, through the unfolding of these events, I have found myself with a wall of books that feed right back into the original message - but we’ll get to all that later.
So what was the book all about and what did it have to do with the original message I’d received? Was it hugely important or was it merely a sign that we’re following the path of breadcrumbs in the right direction? I know there are many ways to view synchronicities, with some people applying very specific meaning or using them as a gauge for how well things are going (or not). I’ve come to see them more generally - a nod that I’m here and something or someone (even my higher being) is paying attention. So it is this that makes what we’ve so far experienced so interesting to us. And even in that generality and unknowing, which still exists as I write this by the way, there is an excitement and a curiosity also. And if nothing else, synchronicity can be a catalyst to wake us up from this living dream into a place of lucidity. In this state, all things are hyper coloured and anything is possible.
These events took place in early January of 2020 and I am here now in October looking at how much the world has changed - for us personally and collectively. In retelling this, we will have to take into consideration everything that is happening around us as we believe, on all levels, everything is connected anyway. We have a lot more to share as this entry only serves as an introduction to the strange way The Frank Files have so far evolved for us. And keep in mind, this journey is ongoing. We do not know where it’s headed or what else is planned, and so as we play catch up for you, we will also be sharing the unfoldment as we experience it. And as for Frank, the identity of this name will remain a mystery for now.
If you want to continue to follow along and see where this strange story goes, come back on Saturday November 7th to read entry #2.
Julia & Tim
*Ouija Shark has nothing to do with this story, but we kept seeing it at Walmart and so finally watched it. It was filmed with a $300 budget which is really all you need to know.
**Tim’s explanation of Gamma as we understood it at that time: Whenever I meet with a synchronicity, a vision, or any other sort of message from spirit, my first instinct is to "test" the information with my knowledge of the Hermetic Qabalah - the Western interpretation of the ancient Hebrew mystical system. Since Gamma is the third letter of the Greek alphabet, its Hebrew equivalent is Gimel, which modern occultists equate with the High Priestess tarot card. The letter itself means "camel," which itself carries a special esoteric significance. Put simply, the camel is said to lead the seeker through the "desert," also known as the Abyss - the gulf separating the seven lower spheres on the Tree of Life from the three supernal spheres, which are said to be beyond human experience. The crossing of the desert is said to be a significant spiritual initiation in which one is led through a series of challenging events to test one's spiritual resolve before "dying" to ego consciousness and being born anew into a higher level of awareness - like the Temptations of Christ depicted in the New Testament of the Bible. This was of particular interest to us after reading the section in the PDF on Gamma waves.
***The Animal Spirit oracle deck is the first deck I used in direct relationship with Frank and it continues to be one of our most used oracle decks.
**** is the source to which you can find the brainwaves PDF for purchase.