The Minor Arcana represents the lesser influences in one’s life, commonly what we would refer to as the day-to-day happenings. The Cups represent the element Fire and therefore, speak of matters relating to creativity, energy, spirit, passion and inspiration. These are our inspired and creative manifestations.

Some of the attributions applied are personal references. I have included in an effort to expand the meanings of the cards as well as to provide ideas for ritual/magickal workings.

Wands represent the element Fire and the direction South. They rule over matters related to impulse such as creativity, passion, sexuality and our vitality.

Major ArcanaPentaclesSwordsWandsCups


ACE OF wands

Keywords: Spark, Inspiration, Energy, Sexuality, Fire.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 6

The Ace of Wands is like the energy behind a massive fire which begins with a single spark. In moments of sudden inspiration, this Ace is often at play. And if we allow ourselves to be motivated by the excitement of the idea, we can truly see something interesting and innovative flourish. The Ace of Wands may also signal to a new creative venture, a passionate love affair or the opening of ourselves to the life force within.

Divinatory Possibilities: A new creative pursuit, ignited passion, a love affair, increased energy or momentum.

Consider also: The Ace of Wands and its connection to Kundalini energy.


2 OF wands

Keywords: Planning, Visioning, Decisions.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 7

Before we can embark, we need to visualize and plan where we want to go. The 2 of Wands is a sign that a process of defining the next steps in our journey has begun. This may look like making important decisions, mapping out goal posts or even imagining what the future will look like. Sometimes the first step to the rest of our lives lies in our ability to manifest the vision on the inside, before making moves externally.

Divinatory Possibilities: Planning for the future, exploring possibilities, upcoming travel, making decisions.

Consider also: The way in which the 2 of Wands, visually, plays off of the 3 of Wands.


3 OF wands

Keywords: Travel, Journey, Action, Adventure.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 71

If the 2 of Wands was about the planning and the visioning, then the 3 of Wands is the journey coming together. This is the stage where things are ready to begin, set sail or branch out. There is an expansive energy contained in the 3 of Wands, which takes the seeker from considering the quest to gaining the momentum to follow it through.

Divinatory Possibilities: Taking action on plans laid, travel, the beginning of an adventure, going on a journey.

Consider also: The way in which the 3 of Wands, visually, plays off of the 2 of Wands.


4 OF wands

Keywords: Joy, Celebration, Homecoming.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 11

The 4 Wands create posts that indicate a sturdy foundation. Here, it is in the realm of home, family and connections. This card may be a sign that you have cultivated an abundant and joyful domestic situation, enjoy entertaining or are anticipating a homecoming of some sort. It is also a card of celebrations and may point to births, weddings or other milestones in ones life.

Divinatory Possibilities: A party, an engagement, marriage or birth; returning home, matters relating to home including renovations or moving.

Consider also: The perspective of this card. Depending how you look at it, you may be the person entering the landscape, or one of the two people welcoming an unseen person in.


5 OF wands

Keywords: Conflict, Challenge, Chaos, Drama, Mob-mentality.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 31

Consider what occurs when stress chemicals take over the body - blood drains from the brain (lessening the ability to think creatively/critically) and moves to the limbs (to facilitate fight/flight). This may be one way to look at what is occurring in the 5 of Wands, which depicts a scene of chaos and conflict. It may point to an actual fight or simply a scenario that has gotten out of control or has too many hands in the pot. The seeker may be encouraged to take a step back from the noise so they can get a clearer idea of what is going on and how they should proceed.

Divinatory Possibilities: A conflict, drama, a chaotic situation.

Consider also: While the conflict looks like it is taking place among a group of separate individuals, the 5 of Wands may also speak to turmoil within.


6 OF wands

Keywords: Leadership, Success, Recognition, Respect, Heroism.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 61

The 6 of Wands typically points to a period where one can expect to be rewarded for their efforts. The seeker may experience recognition, acclaim and positive feedback. It is possible that the work the seeker has done, or will do, will be of great service to those who it reaches. The seeker is encouraged to keep their vision clear and actions authentic.

Divinatory Possibilities: Being in a position of leadership, being held in high esteem, commanding respect, receiving recognition.

Consider also: The elevated position of the individual on the horse as opposed to those on foot. What might that indicate about their position or status?


7 OF wands

Keywords: Aggression, Competition, Battle, Victory.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 50

Like the 5 of Wands, we have another card that looks like a scene involving conflict. The difference here is that in the 5, everyone was on even ground where in the 7, there is only one person visible and they are positioned higher than the other 6. The seeker may feel as if they need to depend themselves, fight for something or push back against a crowd. It looks as if success is on their side, though they should be mindful of the way in which the battle is impacting them. Strategic action over brute force may be recommended.

Divinatory Possibilities: Having to defend oneself, being in competition with others, feeling under attack.

Consider also: While all parties are visible in the 5 of Wands, only one figure appears here in combat with 6 faceless Wands. What may that add to the message of the card?


8 OF wands

Keywords: Action, Movement, Momentum, Swiftness, Travel.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 72

The 8 of Wands is like the energy behind the successful shot of an arrow. In this action, the pointing and the shooting happen in unison, making for a particular precision that would be lacking if we overthought things. For this reason, the seeker may expect events to unfold quickly. The movement taking place may be out of their hands, though if they are attempting to direct the course of things, it would be best to work with the momentum that is available. If one thing is for certain, there is a lot of energy in the 8 of Wands and it’s going fast!

Divinatory Possibilities: A situation that evolves quickly, many possibilities on the horizon, a lot of action or energy, travel.

Consider Also: The 8 of Wands is one of the only cards in the tarot deck that doesn’t feature any people. What may that indicate in terms of the overall message?


9 OF wands

Keywords: Defensiveness, Guardedness, Paranoia, Weariness, Clinging.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 75

The 9 of Wands may indicate a period where the seeker has grown weary, tired or worn. The Wands behind the figure featured looks like they could be forming a wall, fence or other barrier. Perhaps this is because the seeker has become paranoid and put on defense. Part of the problem may be in the inclination to cling to something that is outdated. Consider what you’re holding on to that has overstayed its welcome. Is it possible that other possibilities or potentials are being ignored? Some faith is required at this time. If something is meant for us we can safely give it space to breath without the risk of losing it - no clinging required.

Divinatory Possibilities: A feeling of being worn out, being on the defense, feeling over protective, having to be on guard, a situation that is nearing completion.

Consider also: The upright nature of all elements of this card - the wands and the person featured. What may that mean about the energy being conveyed?


10 OF wands

Keywords: Burden, Demands, Heaviness, Challenge.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 66

The 10 of Wands indicates the end of a journey, but this one has a heaviness to it that may be slowing down the final leg. Here we have a figure carrying a stack of wands, overcome by their weight as they block them from being able to see the road ahead. Are you carrying more than you need to be? Have you become burdened by worries, tasks, responsibilities or something else? Is there a way you can lighten the load? Can you get creative in how you transport all those wands? Maybe there is someone who can help out. The 10 of Wands is a card of burden and then reevaluation. We often make things more difficult for ourselves by trying to do it all, but does it really need to be this way?

Divinatory Possibilities: A feeling of being overburdened, having too much responsibility, needing to delegate tasks, taking on too much, feeling heavy, a challenging situation.

Consider also: This card appears to depict an act of hard work, but so does the 8 of Pentacles. What is the difference between the two figures engaged in their labour? What may that add to the overall message of the card?

Court cards may represent ourselves or the people in our lives. They may also symbolize various attributes that are important for us to understand/assimilate or take account of. Court cards do not inherently represent any particular gender or age range. Throughout the trajectory of our lives, we will at many times be Queens, Pages, Knight or Kings. We should be flexible in how we approach their attributes because they represent our personality (transient ways of being), not our core essence.


PAGE OF wands

Illuminated Attributes: Adventurous, Outgoing, Innovative, Independent.

Shadow Attributes: Overbearing, Loud, Arrogant, Fickle.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 53
Myers Briggs: ESTP

The Page of Wands exudes natural confidence. They are the person who can wing a speech or enchant an audience. They are creative, free spirits who put adventure before monotony. They can seem exciting as they follow where their inspiration leads and often find themselves in some interested places, experiencing the world with all of their senses.



Illuminated Attributes: Rebellious, Active, Passionate, Energetic.

Shadow Attributes: Aggressive, Dramatic, Short-sighted, Impulsive.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 18
Myers Briggs: ESFP

Each of the 4 Knights depicts its own sense of pace and command over the horse they ride. In this case, the Knight of Wands has us wondering who has the reigns. Here we see a quickness like the Knight of Swords, but it looks a bit less controlled. The Knight of Wands follows the fire, may act out before thinking, loves to rebel and acts on their passions. There is an intensity to their temperament which can be exciting and also a bit scary, depending on your perspective.


QUEEN OF wands

Illuminated Attributes: Creative, Unique, Charismatic, Confident, Expressive.

Shadow Attributes: Cruel, Demanding, Forceful

Tao Te Ching: Verse 57
Myers Briggs: ENFP

The Queen of Wands is a creative free spirit like the Page of Wands, but with more command and follow through. This Queen tends to be an innovator and a muse - inspiring those around them in all kinds of ways, creative and otherwise. The Queen of Wands has a strong sense of self, but is also constantly evolving, inspired by their artistic impulses and insights that seem to just come to them. They have a light about them that is energetically palpable, illuminating even the darkest spaces and filling it with creative spirit.


KING OF wands

Illuminated Attributes: Strong, Resourceful, Ambitious, Inspiring, Bold.

Shadow Attributes: Aggressive, Brutish, Ruthless, Pushy.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 33
Myers Briggs: ESFJ

The Kind of Wands is a strong, charismatic and resourceful leader. They have better control of their fire than the Knight, for example, though they will use this power with purpose which can still come across as forceful. In their highest expression, this King inspires and motivates and shares the spotlight.