The Minor Arcana represents the lesser influences in one’s life, commonly what we would refer to as the day-to-day happenings. The Swords represent the element Air and therefore, speak of matters relating to ideas, intellect, communication, thought and innovation. These are our mental and communicative manifestations.

Some of the attributions applied are personal references. I have included in an effort to expand the meanings of the cards as well as to provide ideas for ritual/magickal workings.

Swords represent the element Air and the direction East. They rule over matters related to the mind and communication such as thoughts, ideas and breakthroughs.

Major ArcanaPentaclesSwordsWandsCups


ACE OF swords

Keywords: Breakthrough, Clarity, Ideas

Tao Te Ching: Verse 81

Like the lightning strike from the Tower, the Ace of Swords can come on suddenly like a sharp flash of insight, an inspired thought or unmistakable clarity. The Ace of Swords cuts through all which obscures, to present a kind of knowing. When this card appears, pay attention to the thoughts and ideas that arrive. They may bring with them the solution to a problem, a new way of seeing the world or divine wisdom that was previously inaccessible.

Divinatory Possibilities: New ideas, a spark of insight, solutions found, a fresh perspective.

Consider also: The crown which adorns the top of the Sword and what that may lend to the message in this card.


2 OF swords

Keywords: Balance Limbo, Decisions, Intuition, Choice, Stillness,

Tao Te Ching: Verse 56

Something may be in limbo and important decisions may need to be made. At the moment, balance is the best approach, as suggested by the extended swords and number 2. If something is weighing, then this key also suggests we must go within to know what to do next. The eyes are blindfolded and therefore, physical sense may not be the best judge. With inner hearing and intuitive sight, even in darkness, clarity can be found.

Divinatory Possibilities: The need to make a decision, the balancing of competing priorities.

Consider also: The visual similarities between this card and The High Priestess.


3 OF swords

Keywords: Grief, Pain, Release, Cleansing, Sorrow, Loss.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 46

Once pierced, the heart may hold on to memories of hurt and project them onto the present. When the 3 of Swords comes up, it may be an indication the seeker is either within the throws of loss or still recovering from past hurt or pain. The rain rages in the background both indicative of stormy emotion as well as the potential to release, cleanse and heal. The 3 of Swords also touches on the mind-heart connection. What we think and how we feel share an intimate relationship that impacts our personal atmosphere (the internal weather we experience). The 3 of Swords may be a suggestion that while we can’t always control what happens, we can influence (or at least become aware of) how we feel about it.

Divinatory Possibilities: Heartbreak, loss, healing, the revisiting of old wounds.

Consider also: The fact that there are no people depicted in this key. What may that add to its message?

Read more: In-Depth With the 3 of Swords


4 OF swords

Keywords: Rest, Recovery, Meditation, Stillness, Passivity, Pause, Retreat, Altered State.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 26

If we observe the body language across the tarot as having meaning, then we can intuit more about what this card demonstrates. Here, we see a figure laying down, 1 sword below them and 3 above. This is a passive and receiving state, symbolized by the hands in prayer. This key often indicates a time where rest, recuperation, and reflection are required. Unlike the Knight of Swords, for example, which clearly demonstrates motion, the 4 of Swords says it’s best to gather our energy and lay low.

Divinatory Possibilities: The need for meditation or rest, inaction, a period of recovery, illness.

Consider also: The difference between The Hanged Man and the 4 of Swords, both of which reflect a degree of pause.
As well, stained glass appears in only 2 cards - this one and the 5 of Pentacles. What may that say about their connection?


5 OF swords

Keywords: Conflict, Competition, Tension, Intimidation.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 69

The 5 of Swords depicts the kind of battle that no one walks away from a winner. Even if you technically came out ahead, the methods of that win need to be examined, as do the attitudes and motivation that led to the conflict. This may be a case of not being able to see from another’s perspective or having difficulty finding a compromise. When this type of tension erupts, it is often not even about the topic on the surface but rather the internal beliefs held by those involved. When the 5 of Swords comes up, it is an opportunity to ask yourself if winning (or being right) is the most important thing.

Divinatory Possibilities: Conflict, competition, a no-win situation.

Consider also: The visual connection between the 5 of Swords and 7 of Swords and what they may add to their respective meanings.


6 OF swords

Keywords: Transition, Aid, Help, Rescue, Release.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 65

The 6 of Swords depicts 2 figures being taken by boat in what looks like an act of service. Cards demonstrating travel may indicate a transition from one state to another, one place to another or one chapter to another. The state of the change is not necessarily assured, but the 6 of Swords does indicate that even if things are rocky at first, they will ultimately lead to a better place. Given that we’re dealing with the suit of Swords, it may also stand to reason that this transition will come with new ways of thinking or fresh perspectives.

Divinatory Possibilities: Transitioning, upcoming change, travel, external help, things getting better.

Consider also: The properties of the water on either side of the boat i.e. choppy vs. calm.


7 OF swords

Keywords: Deception, Betrayal, Strategy, Sneakiness, Stealth, Craftiness, Cunning.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 24

The 7 of Swords is getting away with something, but what that is and what the nature of it is isn’t necessarily clear. This could indicate that the seeker or someone they know is doing something underhanded or unbeknownst. It could be an indication that we are fooling ourselves in some way or trying to cut corners, even in matters of spirituality and self-development. On the other hand, the 7 of Swords may indicate a skilled strategist simply finding another, more creative avenue to get something done.

Divinatory Possibilities: Theft, a betrayal, someone going behind someone else’s back, an unlawful act, the need to think creatively or move swiftly.

Consider also: Often robberies happen at night, but this key depicts a daytime scene where the sun is shining and sky is clear - what might this add to the overall message?

Read more: Cards in Combination: 7 of Swords, 5 of Cups, Hierophant


8 OF swords

Keywords: Imprisonment, Restriction, Victimization, Liberation.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 47

Freedom and restriction are opposite ends of the same pole. In this way, it can be said that our restrictions may push us to explore the nature of freedom and freedom also, in many ways, is a state of mind. The 8 of Swords signals a feeling of entrapment, regardless of the physical circumstances that accompany it. Somewhere in the seeker’s experience is the feeling that they are stuck, and it is important to explore not just the specific situation but also the thoughts and patterns that led to it. Often it is pointed out that the swords nearby are available to use to cut the figure free. Of course, they’d have to get their hands loose first and this may be symbolic of exploring self-defeating or limiting mentalities. Either way, that which restricts in this case, also holds the key to release.4

Divinatory Possibilities: Feeling stuck, needing to explore what is keeping one trapped, taking control of the situation, contemplating how to move out of bondage.

Consider also: The meaning of the castle in the distance.

Read more: Cards in Combination: Tower, 8 of Swords, 10 of Pentacles

Challenging the 8 of Swords: The Gift of Confinement


9 OF swords

Keywords: Anxiety, Fear, Nightmares, Worry, Dark Night of the Soul

Tao Te Ching: Verse 17

You only need to look at the visual of this card to understand the energy behind it. Here we have someone racked with anxiety, worry, sadness or even fear. They are in their bed, which should be a safe haven, but in this case, it is the place where they express their inner turmoil. This indicates a period of worry that may even be leading to sleepless nights, insomnia, or repeated nightmares. The figure wears a white gown, white being the colour of innocence and purity. This may indicate an intimate connection to the worry they possess, possibly making it feel even more real and difficult to shake.

Divinatory Possibilities: Losing sleep, having worry or anxiety or fear, troubled thoughts, an upsetting situation.

Consider also: The position of the swords in relation to the person in the image. In this case, they are hanging on the wall, not seated on the ground or in their hand. What may that add to the message being conveyed?


10 OF swords

Keywords: Defeat, Endings, Rock-bottom, Betrayal.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 74

10s indicate endings in tarot, and in this case, a cycle may well be closing where challenge and strife are concerned. Some view this card as one of rock bottoms, which may very well be the case. It may also indicate a betrayal that is not worth pursuing or an issue that has reached its tipping point. In this case, the message is clear. There is nothing worth reviving, so it’s probably time to let go. What is done is done and the best thing that one can do is take a pause before getting up, dusting off, and moving on.

Divinatory Possibilities: Reaching the end of a difficult situation, a betrayal, needing to let go, hitting rock bottom.

Consider also: Weather, color and sky patterns are important ways to convey meaning in tarot. What may the landscape in this card lend to the overall message?

Court cards may represent ourselves or the people in our lives. They may also symbolize various attributes that are important for us to understand/assimilate or take account of. Court cards do not inherently represent any particular gender or age range. Throughout the trajectory of our lives, we will at many times be Queens, Pages, Knight or Kings. We should be flexible in how we approach their attributes because they represent our personality (transient ways of being), not our core essence.


PAGE OF swords

Illuminated Attributes: Sharp, Curious, Communicative.

Shadow Attributes: Unsure, Haphazard, Inactive.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 45
Element: Air/Earth
Myers Briggs: ISTP

The Page of Swords is motivated and curious, especially as it relates to the acquisition of knowledge, information and facts. The Page enjoys debate and conversation and may be eager to share new theories even before dutifully testing their credibility. This Page dwells in the land of ideas and may, in their introspection, get lost in books or their intellectual pursuits.


KNIGHT OF swords

Illuminated Attributes: Driven, Active, Quick.

Shadow Attributes: Aggressive, Reactive, Impulsive.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 73
Element: Air/Fire
Myers Briggs: ENTP

This Knight is the swiftest of the 4, indicated by the motion of the horse they ride. The Air Knight may be too quick to respond at times, acting on impulse rather than full understanding. In this way, they may appear impulsive, especially when it comes to expressing ideas or speaking their mind. They are also ambitious, but their fast-moving nature could also lead to burn out. This type of energy needs to be properly honed so that the ideas that come forth may mature to fruition.


QUEEN OF swords

Illuminated Attributes: Perceptive, Intelligent, Decisive, Direct.

Shadow Attributes: Cutting, Cruel, Cold.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 27
Element: Air/Water
Myers Briggs: INTJ

The Queen of Swords is confident in her ability to express herself clearly and precisely. There is a great deal of control and intellect in possession of this Queen which, if not balanced with compassion, could come across as sharp or cutting. On the positive side, the Queen of Swords is extremely protective and able to assert their boundaries and those of others. They are a thoughtful speaker and value truth, justice and clarity.


KING OF swords

Illuminated Attributes: Analytical, Authoritative, Clear, Disciplined, Truthful.

Shadow Attributes: Dishonest, Manipulative, Controlling.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 10
Element: Air/Air
Myers Briggs: ENTJ

The King of Swords is an intellectual authority who is well versed and spoken in their area of expertise. They are poised, clear and balanced in their approach. When it comes to sifting through the facts to get to the truth, this King in particular would be a powerful ally. For this reason, they would make an excellent advisor or consultant, especially in matters relating to business/law.