Personal Year 7
“I Know…”
“Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakens”
Keywords: Inspiration, Spirituality, Introspection, Meditation, Truth, Consciousness, Growth
Ideal For: Connecting with the divine, growing in your spiritual practice, discovering your truth, silence and meditation
Crystal Companions: Lithium Quartz, Celestite, Opal
Tarot Card Archetype: The Chariot
Secondary Archetype: The Tower
Power Cards: The 4 7s
We like to regard a Personal Year 7 as a 12-month study of self. It doesn’t mean that won’t come with practical gains and tangible shifts, but many of those outer transformations will begin within.
Spirituality, whatever that means to you, in whatever form it takes, may also play a significant role this year. This could look like refining your practice, reflecting on your belief systems or even exploring new concepts. That’s not to say that every Personal Year 7 will conclude with a grand awakening, but the potential to ignite all kinds of revelations are perfectly within your grasp this year (or any year for that matter, but this year has the theme!).
Year 7s are ultimately about getting that much closer to your own personal truth - the inner temple or centre of self. This is not the year to follow the crowd or conform to a system simply because it appears to be gaining traction or garner a following. Self-inquiry will be a critical undertaking in order to ensure you’re moving through the remaining 3 years of this cycle with clarity, integrity and ease.
Remember, we cannot understand what drives and motivates others until we’ve developed the ability to reflect on what moves us. We cannot be true stewards of empathy if we deny compassion for ourselves. We cannot see clearly what is in front of us until we seek to understand the reality that lies within. Listen closely to the promptings of your inner guide; you are on a very deep and unique journey, and you are your own best compass as you navigate the next 12 months.
Conscious Ways to Integrate the Number 7
Contemplate the many ways that the number 7 shows up in the world, especially in spiritual/esoteric/religious systems.
Explore the way various musical tones harmonize with your being, and look for opportunities to incorporate those you enjoy into a meditative practice.
Ask yourself: What is the difference between knowledge and wisdom?
Take time to explore/record your dreams.
Read: The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle.
Explore zen koans.
Sometimes coming into greater knowing involves discarding old belief systems. Contemplate the mantra “I don’t know” and how it could be used to inspire deeper understanding.
Consider the vastness of space and its connection to our minds/consciousness.
Carry a small pouch with associated crystals: Lithium Quartz, Celestite, Opal.
Pay attention to when 7 shows up in sequence, in a reading or other synchronistic ways.
Embrace the energy of The Chariot with our Musickal Meditation.
In 2025, we are collectively in a Year 9. This is the year of The Hermit and carries the theme of release. A Personal Year 7 in a Universal Year 9 could be summed up with the following affirmation: “I release old, outworn truths and replace them with higher perspectives”. Read more about our collective Year 9.
Want to know more about 2025 has in store for you? Explore our offerings and get personalized insight into your year ahead!
Primary Archetype: The Chariot
Focus, drive, steadfast determination, victory, and momentum are all words that could describe the energy and essence of The Chariot. At first glance, this card looks as if it may represent very earthly matters; gaining ground and making moves. But, if you examine the imagery, you’ll see our charioteer is actually moving away from the material world, not toward it. In the context of a Personal Year 7, this is especially relevant.
It is also important to note that this card is labeled the Chariot and not The Charioteer. With this in mind, consider the discrepancy between the vehicle and the one who steers it. There is more to the story than dedication and drive. The Chariot asks you to see for yourself who is behind the one that shows itself to the world. Some call this presence the witness, the higher self, or Spirit. Regardless of names, there is power in recognizing the still, small voice that wields this tremendous power.
And finally, The Chariot understands it requires some degree of discipline and control when things like self-doubt, external pressure or even outdated mentalities attempt to distract you from your goals. It is one thing to acknowledge or understand their place, but it is another to fall for their influence. Refer back to the one who quietly guides, if you’re going off track.
Secondary Archetype: The Tower
As you move closer to the core of who you are, you may find that other structures no longer fit the paradigm. There may not be a literal fall of a tower in your world, but rather the coming undone of former beliefs or ways of being. The good news is that through this process, there will be a lot of opportunities for healing and release. Know that what is shaking apart and washing away wasn’t designed to stand the test of time anyway. This year is a period to reevaluate who you are, what you stand for, and conversely, what you can no longer stand by. Resisting this necessary overhaul will be difficult at best and futile at worst. Rather than cling to what is no longer working, have faith that what you are newly discovering about yourself and others will provide all the tools you need to continue onward.
Power Cards
There are also numbered suit cards in each deck which can represent the year ahead. With them, we may be able to uncover some more practical insights and messages to help guide us. Read about the 4 7s below!
7 of Wands: There may be circumstances over the course of the year that require you to stand firm to protect the work you’re doing. This could manifest as people in your environment who question your motives, needs or desires. The 7 of Wands says when you’re acting from integrity, you have every right to depend your position. Don’t back down on what you know to be right.
7 of Cups: Personal Year 7s are markedly more introspective than other years. For this reason, you may feel compelled to dive into your visions, insights, and dreams in new ways. What you want to materialize outwardly will start first as an idea. Being able to indulge in the details of these thoughts will help give them form. Just ensure you remain grounded and don’t get carried away by fantasy or fear! Remaining grounded is also important this year.
7 of Swords: What would you do if no one was looking? Who are you when no one else is around? The 7 of Swords tests our integrity, our values and reminds us that there are no shortcuts where matters of self-inquiry are concerned.
7 of Pentacles: Year 7s are not necessarily ones where everything gets accomplished and final results are achieved. Rather, seeds are tended while our inner worlds are nourished. Focus on the long-term game, not short-term results. If it’s worth the wait, you will find the patience to see it through.