Personal Year 8
“I Generate…”
“Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life - think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success.”
Keywords: Power, Energy, Life-Force, Success, Effort, Causality, Movement, Action, Cycles, Infinity, Abundance
Ideal For: Achieving goals, harnessing the energy available, finding your power, seeing the fruits of your labour, passion projects, manifesting
Crystal Companions: Pyrite, Tiger’s Eye, Jade
Tarot Card Archetype: Strength (Justice in some decks)
Secondary Archetype: The Star
Power Cards: The 4 8s
It’s now time to take everything you’ve learned from the previous 7 years and put it into conscious and deliberate action! Especially after a reflective and introspective Personal Year 7, this year may be swift to switch things up. This is because a Year 8 is all about effort and utilizing energy in the most efficient way possible. It is also a year that will show you over and over, that what you put time and focus into, will grow (for “good” or “bad”). It is a powerful year and one where you could have a lot of influence over outcomes. Whether you’re looking for the right opportunity, a clear path toward an important goal, recognition or reward - know that anything is possible. But, you also have to be really clear on your desires and most importantly, be willing to do the work. Putting effort into something you only feel lukewarm about will not produce full results, no matter how much you try. Effort is only one part of the equation - the other part is passion.
Because manifestation may occur more rapidly in a Year 8, clarity of vision will be key. If you’re focused on something that doesn’t thrill you, you’re wasting the potential that this year has to offer. Take the pursuit that is most worthy of your time and energy, commit to it fully and take the plunge! It may require consistency, but momentum will be on your side if what you’re pursuing is truly aligned. If the motivation isn’t there, it could be that you’re “barking up the wrong tree”. Ask yourself - is this really for me, or am I simply satisfying someone else’s plan?
Ultimately, a Personal Year 8 is about doing, making and achieving - whatever that looks like for you. Maybe there is a project you’d love to see come to fruition or a goal you’d be keen to fulfill. Whatever it is, this year is about taking all of the skills and resources at your disposal and making it happen. A Personal Year 8 will, if you allow it, show you exactly where your genius is and just how awesomely talented you are. So set your aim high, make a solid plan, and watch as the universe responds. Whatever you want can be come to fruition this year - it’s just up to you to make it happen!
Conscious Ways to Integrate the Number 8
The early bird catches the worm. Set your alarm and get up in time to watch the sunrise.
Contemplate the symbol for infinity and how it may relate to a Year 8. You may also wish to draw it in order to feel the motion of the number and assimilate its message further.
Practice Qigong, Tai Chi, or Yoga to experience how energy flows through you.
Explore the myth of the goddess Ishtar.
Work and play don’t have to be separate concepts. The more we love what we do, the more energy will be available for us to work with!
Just because it’s a power year, doesn’t mean you need to power your way through it! Look into the “lazy universe” theory and consider how the path of least resistance may also be your friend.
Contemplate what in your life gives you energy vs. what in your life depletes it.
Consider the symbolic and literal significance of the sun, in all its solar power glory. Contemplate how that may play into a Personal Year 8.
Read: Becoming Supernatural by Joe Dispenza.
Ask yourself what makes you feel personally abundant and powerful.
Carry a small pouch with associated crystals: Pyrite, Tiger’s Eye, Jade.
Pay attention to when 8 shows up in sequence, in a reading or other synchronistic ways.
Go in-depth with Strength and learn how to harness the power of your desires!
We explore Strength and The Star in more detail in our 78 Connections series. Read more about how your Year-8 cards connect.
Embrace the energy of Strength with our Musickal Meditation.
In 2025, we are collectively in a Year 9. This is the year of The Hermit and carries the theme of release. A Personal Year 8 in a Universal Year 9 could be summed up with the following affirmation: “I release efforts that aren’t paying off and commit to wise use of my energy this year”. Read more about our collective Year 9.
Want to know more about 2025 has in store for you? Explore our offerings and get personalized insight into your year ahead!
Primary Archetype: Strength
Consider the way in which Strength seemingly tames the lion. There is a fusion between two natures (animal and man) taking place here that on their own, would be only half as powerful. And while Year 8s are about making things happen, its fair to note that gentle persuasion may be more effective than brute force. You may find you get ahead further by working with your environment, rather than pushing it to conform. This means learning to make allies out of your obstacles, whether they be people or situations. It may also mean leading with a softer approach.
Secondary Archetype: The Star
This can truly be your year to shine. If you’re willing to put in the effort, you can expect that the work you do and the contributions you make will be noticed and rewarded. Often, a Personal Year 8 can have a sort of spotlight effect. In this spotlight, if we have something to show, we can use our platform to share it with the world. Think about what you’re working on and how you’d want to present that. All eyes may be on you, so you will want to make good use of that attention. If you can approach this in an authentic and genuine way, you can expect that those listening will be receptive to the message.
Power Cards
There are also numbered suit cards in each deck which can represent the year ahead. With them, we may be able to uncover some more practical insights and messages to help guide us. Read about the 4 8s below!
8 of Wands: The 8 of Wands is a perfect analogy for archery, as it points to precision and speed. In other words, the key to hitting the target is pointing and shooting in unison, before the mind has time to think. Things may happen quickly by working with the energy available. The key is to allow that energy to freely move through you and not over-think where its headed, or attempt to over-dictate the course.
8 of Cups: As far as movement goes this year, some of the biggest leaps may not be toward your goals, but away from those things that are no longer working. The 8 of Cups is a reminder that for everything new we seek, we must be willing to close the door on that which doesn’t serve. Fresh, full cups rejuvenate our energy, while empty ones deplete. If there is one thing a Year 8 needs, it’s the proper nourishment to be able to carry tasks to completion.
8 of Swords: The character depicted in the 8 of Swords appears to be trapped, but one could also interpret this as more a mental state than a physical predicament. Remember, even if you’re able to quickly make changes in your life, it is still important to go back and examine any lingering mentalities that once held you back. Action and reflection go hand in hand.
8 of Pentacles: The 8 of Pentacles is here to remind you that nothing of value occurs without hard work and effort. Especially in a Personal Year 8, you must be willing to put in the time. This year, you reap what you sow, so make sure all that energy is being funneled into something you love and feel passionate about. Then, as they say, it won’t feel like work at all.