Resources, Meditation Julia Eve Resources, Meditation Julia Eve

Musickal Meditations - Channeling The Tower

After a longer than expected hiatus, we’re back with our 16th meditation, this one designed to capture the essence and energy of The Tower. You might be asking yourself, why would anyone want to purposely step into this landscape? Well, we hope to clarify that below - so keep reading!

After a longer than expected hiatus, we’re back with our 16th meditation, this one designed in the essence and energy of The Tower. You might be asking yourself, why would anyone want to purposely step into this landscape? Well, we hope to clarify that below - so keep reading!

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Reading In The Flow - Cards in Combination: Tower, 8 of Swords, 10 of Pentacles

When it comes to reading cards, I get most excited by taking a step back and assessing the landscape as a whole. I’ve typically called this technique “Reading In The Flow” as it allows one to get out of the details of a singular image and instead, observe how the cards interact with one another. I have taught courses on these techniques in the past, shared plenty of resources and written in depth about how I apply this method in my own practice.

Recently, I disassembled one of my free resources to give myself an opportunity to reflect on my reading style and update the approaches detailed in the document.

One way I want to bring this back though, is to start writing more on the blog about the practical application of this style of reading - a style I of course did not invent, but which has become a staple to my practice.

So here is the first of what I hope to be many segments to feature the Reading In The Flow style. In these short posts, I will share three cards and then detail how I may read them in tandem. The cards I will be working with were selected at random by way of my standard shuffling method. I will share the picture first, allow readers to make their own assessments, and then highlight all of the pieces of the landscape that jumped out and what I think it may all mean.

For today’s exercise, we will be working with The Tower, the 8 of Swords and the 10 of Pentacles..

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