Happy New Year - 2025!
We’ve officially made the shift from 2024 to 2025. Some folks may be feeling very in tune and aligned to this moment, ready to set intentions and let go of the past. For some though, the turning of this particular wheel may be feeling a bit lack luster.
We’re here to remind you that even when the year shifts, it doesn’t mean we are all obligated to feel energized to seize the moment. The date on the calendar may be changing, but that doesn’t mean we’re all ready for a major overhaul. For many, especially in the Northern hemisphere, it’s still freezing outside! The days are short, the nights are long and our energy is turned inward. The winter season is for hibernation, rest, reclaiming our energy and gestating. We may have a vague idea of what’s taking shape, but it's not necessarily ready to see the light of day.
Tarot/Oracle Spread For The New Year
We know it’s getting down to the wire here, but in case you’re looking for a little last minute tarot/oracle spread to usher in the New Year, we have you covered!
This spread looks back at the previous year, while embracing the energy on the horizon. It’s equal parts insight and advice, with a focus on not just what the year has for you, but what you have for it. We hope you find it fruitful and that it serves you well.
Elemental Equilibration: Bringing Balance to our Tarot Practice
During a recent mentoring session, we found ourselves on the topic of elements. This obviously isn’t an uncommon place to travel when discussing the cards, however, after the session ended, the conversation continued. Through that, we began to think of the elements not just as reference points to understanding the cards, but as a framework to becoming more proficient with them.
In other words, what can the elements teach us about becoming effective tarot card readers? How can we use these basic concepts to enhance our practice and ensure we’re approaching things in a balanced and whole way?
Exploring the Full Supermoon in Sagittarius (with tarot!)
June 14th marks the peak of the Full Supermoon in Sagittarius. Of course, while the effects of its charge are highest on this day, you may still feel the impact a couple days leading up to it as well as coming off of it.
If you’re astrologically savvy, you may already have a sense of what these energies have in store for yourself or even the collective. Around here, while we do take notice of what’s transitioning in the skies, we also love to explore things through the lens of tarot.
From The Wheel to The World: Exploring the Fixed Signs in Tarot
What do The Star, Death, The Hierophant, and Strength have in common?
Hint 1: The Wheel of Fortune
Hint 2: The World
Hint 3: Astrology!
We know there is emphasis placed in both The Wheel and The World on the 4 fixed signs of the zodiac. They are Aquarius, Scorpio, Taurus and Leo and they can be seen in the 4 corners of each of those cards. Respectively, they are ruled by one of the 4 elements - Air, Water, Earth and Fire, and as well, they represent the 4 tarot cards listed above (The Star, Death, The Hierophant and Strength).
Tarot Spreads to Explore The Realm of Dreams
Dreams are one of the most interesting things to me. I’ve written about sleep states here in the past and it’s a theme that comes up over and over again on my Instagram as well.
Today, my partner and I did some brainstorming and came up with a few tarot spreads to assist with dream interpretation, which we hope will enable seekers to explore their dreams in different ways. One is very general, one focuses on symbols and one explores our complexes and patterns. We felt this covered a broad enough range of approaches for most dreamers. I would encourage you to use your intuition or understanding of the dream to determine which spread makes the most sense to use. Or try a couple!
Weighing Pros & Cons with Tarot
The other day, I was playing around with my method for reading probability, when I found myself asking not if something would or wouldn't happen, but what the pros and cons would be, should it occur. In that moment, I began contemplating methods to simply construct a spread that would tackle this sort of inquiry, and that was when this method for weighing pros and cons was born. It is inspired both by my "yes/no/maybe so" system and decision making method for reading the cards.
The idea behind weighing the pros and cons is that with most of what we experience and pursue in life, there are ups and downs. Sometimes those ups and downs are of equal impact, and many times the situation skews one way or another. If you're trying to determine the ups and downs or pros and cons or something, whether that be embarking on a new path, leaving a current relationship or having a difficult conversation - keep reading; this method is for you.
Embracing The World: A Tarot Spread
When we arrive at The World, we’re coming full circle. Similar to the card’s traditional imagery, arriving at this state is much like closing the loop on the Major Arcana, encompassing all its lessons and learnings, and reaching a sense of completion orsuccess. It carries sentiments which mimic The Magician in some ways, with the elements present again. But, rather than laying on the table in front of us, they have been assimilated and now take a more lively form; a water bearer (Aquarius) to represent water, an eagle to represent Air, a lion to represent fire and a bull to represent Earth. These essences now all live within the seeker who remains naked, like the 2 cards which precede her, through draped in an elegant scarf and handling two batons. She is both poised and balanced; no longer commanding heaven and Earth, but rather one with them.
Decision Making With Tarot
Tarot is such a versatile tool. My use of the cards is hardly limited to divination and even within the confines of divination as an approach, there are still so many practical applications. Today, I'm going to break down the different ways you can use tarot to help make decisions.
Before we get into techniques, I want to share with you a few instances where I've been able to navigate different life situations to arrive at a desired outcome. One of my first experiences with tarot as a decision making tool, was when I was house hunting. The market was (still is, really) a seller's game and options seemed not only limited, but not ideal. In a series of readings that spanned a couple of hours, we explored many different possibilities, all looking dismal, until we arrived at the one - the one we ultimately went for and couldn't be happier with. I write more about this experience on another blog post, if you want to read more!
While this was a major decision, I've also used tarot to help me make decisions where selling my home was concerned, making changes to my spiritual business and helping me navigate certain dealings with our builder. Yes, tarot has basically helped me navigate every part of buying and selling a home!
Tarot Spread: Past, Present, Future, Focus
I haven't shared a tarot spread in a long while so I thought I'd put focus today on my 5-card go-to. I call this spread Past, Present Future, Focus and it's incredibly versatile because you can use it in cases where there is a question, but also in cases where there is not; the general "tell me anythings".
As a reader, one of my stumbling blocks can be quickly crafting something to perfectly suit the situation when I'm with a person live. With this spread though, it's as if I always have something in my back pocket that I know will apply to just about any inquiry.
Below is an image of the card placements and following that I will describe in more detail what each spot represents.
Taking Stock Of Your Harvest With The 7 Of Pentacles
Hey All,
I am so thrilled to be taking part in this first ever International Tarot Day blog hop along with so many interesting, inspiring and diverse bloggers. I hope you enjoyed reading all about the 6 of Pentacles over on Heather's blog and in mine, we'll be tackling the more pensive 7.
The 7 of Pentacles to me is like the pause before fruition. This is why for many decks, you’re going to see the scene on this card depicting a sort of growth. In the traditional RWS, we see what I assume is a farmer reflecting on the work that’s so far been achieved - 7 coins blooming in a bushel representing the results of our labour.
Divining our Life Path & Purpose
This entry and topic is born from challenge. This is something that had muddled around in my mind and through the process of thinking, over thinking, and thinking some more, I've finally come to a place in my practice where I know how to confidently tackle this pressing issue and commonly asked question: "what is my life path and purpose?"
Let me first take you back in time, a couple of years ago. It was close to my birthday and I wanted to order a reading for myself. This was before I was providing readings for others (besides friends and family) and prior to me being visible on social media. I looked around online and found someone who I vibed with and ordered a "life path and purpose" reading. The reader worked with the Life Purpose Oracle deck combined with meditation and angel work. It didn't take long to get my report back, and the results? Energy Healer. He also provided some suggestions, divinely inspired, to check out some course offerings and to select something that spoke to my soul. He said I shouldn't spend a lot of money and it wouldn't take much education, but it would be a good way to get my feet wet on a certain bracket of metaphysics that I was drawn to. Well, I didn't pursue energy healing per say, but I did immediately follow his other suggestion and let my gut and heart guide me. It was through this process that I found a spirit guide coach certification course and signed my ass up. I can say with certainty, this was a pivotal and changing moment for me.
Tarot Spread: Sun, Moon, Star & Shadow
The tarot spread that I'm going to share with you today is one that I use when performing my Pathwalker reading for others. I typically perform it at the start of the reading to get a nice snapshot of what strengths and particulars my querent is dealing with in the moment. It is meant to be personal, insightful and reflective. I then go on to perform the rest of the reading made up of a few different components, but it occurs to me that this small 4 card spread can be a total standalone - and so I wish to share it with you!
Tarot Spread: The Energetic Landscape
The other day a friend asked if I could perform a reading for her. "Sure", I replied, "what did you want me to look at?" But, the answer wasn't incredibly straightforward. It was something along the lines of, "I've just been feeling really off lately. I don't know if it's because of this or that, but I'm not just feeling right."
This type of inquiry I would lump into the vague and uncertain pile and it usually takes some work on my part to reformulate the question enough that it actually becomes readable. This time though, I resisted that urge.
I didn't know exactly how I would lay the cards down, but I knew I wanted to answer the inquiry just as it was asked. After all, there must be a way to look at what's happening in and around someone, especially when it feels that whatever it is, is weighing them down.
Deck Impression: Zombie Tarot
Deck Information: Zombie Tarot by Stacey Graham and Paul Kepple as published by Quirk Books, 2012.
The Zombie Tarot is the brainchild (yup, I kinda punned) of Stacey Graham (writer and professional tarot reader), illustrator Paul Kepple and publisher Quirk Books. I decided I needed this deck after having it continually pop-up for me during my regular course of online activity. The images immediately appealed to my senses and I quickly sought out a more complete view of the deck so I could make my final decision. With all my planned purchases, I like to do research, and part of that research includes getting my eyes on a good sample of images including majors, minors and the courts.