Tarot Spreads to Explore The Realm of Dreams
Book Featured: Seth Speaks, The Eternal Validity of The Soul - Chapter 8 on Sleep, Dreams & Consciousness
Dreams are one of the most interesting things to me. I’ve written about sleep states here in the past and it’s a theme that comes up over and over again on my Instagram as well.
Today, my partner and I did some brainstorming and came up with a few tarot spreads to assist with dream interpretation, which we hope will enable seekers to explore their dreams in different ways. One is very general, one focuses on symbols and one explores our complexes and patterns. We felt this covered a broad enough range of approaches for most dreamers. I would encourage you to use your intuition or understanding of the dream to determine which spread makes the most sense to use. Or try a couple!
Spread One - General Interpretation
Card 1: What is below the surface. This is an aspect that your subconscious is aware of, but which may not be fully recognized by the conscious mind.
Card 2: What is on the surface. This is the general meaning of the dream and something your conscious likely already understands.
Card 3: The practical application. This is how the dream's message relates to, impacts, or provides advice for your everyday life.
Spread Two - Interpreting Dream Symbols
With this spread, there are no limits to how many cards are drawn. It can be as little as 2 or as many as are required. Before performing this spread, make a list of all the aspects of the dream that stood out to you. This could be an object, person, reaction, ability, emotion, etc. For each item identified, you will draw one card to represent what that symbol means.
Card 1: Overarching message.
Cards 2-?: The meaning of the symbol identified.
Spread Three - Exploring Complexes/Patterns
This spread explores dream interpretation through a more psychological lens as it seeks to clarify various complexes or patterns within us. For it, you will divide your tarot deck into 3 piles - Majors, Minors, and Courts. To perform this spread, you will then shuffle and draw one card from each pile to represent the following elements:
Card 1: Major - This represents the underlying archetype trying to actualize itself from the Shell (which we will draw next)
Card 2: Minor - This represents the shell, or how the complex is manifesting in daily life (consciously or not)
Card 3: Court - This represents either a person, figure or personality type the complex tends to manifest through or be triggered by
I hope these spreads prove useful and help shed some light on the mysteries of your own dreams. I’d love to also offer a spread to aid in lucid dreaming, but this thought is still in development. I hope to have more to say on the topic soon so until then, happy dreaming!
(explore the full collection of spreads here)