Personal Year 5

“I Shift…”


What is discord at one level of your being is harmony at another.
— Alan Watts

Keywords: Configuration, Flux, Freedom, Change, Expansion, Dynamism, Turning- Points, Challenge
Ideal For: Embracing change and transformation, gracefully letting go, taking chances
Crystal Companions: Garnet, Labradorite, Tourmaline
Tarot Card Archetype:
The Hierophant
Secondary Archetype: Temperance
Power Cards: The 4 5s

The placement of the number 5 in the 9 year cycle holds a lot of significance all its own. This is because it falls right in the middle of the sequence, with 1-4 on one side, and 6-9 on the other. The first 4 years place an emphasis on establishing and building form. A Year 5 then comes in and puts it all to the test. In this way, you can imagine a Year 5 like a wave. If what you have so far built is strong and resilient, you can expect it to survive any storm. If, on the other hand, you’re dealing with weak construction (metaphorically speaking), then that wave can crash, consume and level out anything that lacks durability. If that sounds harsh, it’s only because you’ve over-identified with what you’ve created and on some level, may harbor a deep fear of change. Of course, as human beings, it is very natural to resist change. As such, we often cling to security - even if it's an illusion and even if it's actually holding us back.

The good news is that change doesn’t happen for the sake of change in a Year 5. All that transforms or even slips away was meant to do just that. Consider a situation from your past that you once clung to. Now that the dust has settled, can you see how that thing leaving actually served you in some way? We don’t always know what we really want and we don’t always know what is possible. It is often the case that the life we plan for ourselves undermines our greatest potential. The universe might know better, so rather than see turbulence as failure, regard it as the divine simply recalibrating our path!

In a Personal Year 5, you can learn a lot about who you are and what you’re made of. Think about it as an opportunity to greet challenge with grace and an open heart. While all new years promise shifts of one kind or another, a Personal Year 5 is really a testament to this force. You should not place too many expectations or limitations on yourself at this point in the cycle, because if anything is certain, it’s that the energy of a 5 rarely appreciates being stuffed in a box. Year 5s can grant you freedom, but remember, freedom comes at a cost. Sometimes the things that limit us are things we think we want. What is more valuable? The thing you think you want that keeps you stuck, or the disruption that comes from real liberation? 

This is why the root work of a Year 4 is so important; having secured the foundation, you can be sure you’re now ready to deal with whatever a Year 5 has in store. A Year 5 is also an opportunity to reflect deeper on what you want vs. what expectations have been set for you. Societal rules have their place, but it is up to us as individuals to decide what personally aligns, and have the courage to pave our own path. In a 5 year, the tension between these two opposing forces could be palpable, but ultimately, will be a powerful motivator to steer you forward. Remember, every change or challenge can also be an opportunity. Don’t be too quick to shy away from what initially looks difficult. There are possibilities in the most unlikely places this year.

Conscious Ways to Integrate the Number 5

  • Create a consistent meditation routine to stay centered and balanced.

  • Contemplate the symbolic significance of a pentagram.

  • Consider the spiritual implications of an oyster pearl.

  • Play with comfort zones, even in small ways, by shaking up daily routines.

  • Contemplate what it means to be in the “eye of a storm” in relationship to a Year 5.

  • Read: the Tao Te Ching or the Book of Changes.

  • Explore the concept of freedom and what that truly means to you.

  • Investigate the psychological theory of positive disintegration.

  • Explore the I-Ching or your Gene Key Hologenetic Profile.

  • Carry a small pouch with associated crystals: Garnet, Labradorite, Tourmaline (if you really want to turn things up a notch, add a piece of moldavite).

  • Pay attention to when 5 shows up in sequence, in a reading or in other synchronistic ways.

  • Embrace the energy of The Hierophant with our Musickal Meditation.

  • In 2024, we are collectively in a Year 8. This is the year of Strength and carries the theme of generation (power, effort, results). A Year 5 in a Year 8 could be summed up with the following affirmation: “I generate grace in order to navigate the shifts ahead this year”. Read more about our collective Year 8.

  • Want to know more about 2024 has in store for you? Explore our offerings to get personalized insight into your year ahead!

Primary Archetype: The Hierophant


The Hierophant is a gatekeeper of sorts. What lies behind them is hidden, and so while you can’t be sure where you’re being led, you trust it’s right, given their status and position. But, can we always trust those who appear to hold power and authority? This is where wise discernment comes into play. This is where trust and truth are balanced against each other. We can have faith while at the same time, question the powers and structures around us.

Remember - within all of us is a wise teacher or guide - the true Hierophant. External representations along these lines are usually just cheap substitutions. Who will you choose to listen to this year, especially if things get shaky?

In a Year 5, it can feel like shifts are happening to you. But, that doesn’t mean you’re totally out of control. Consider the ways you can be the one to initiate change in your life through the exploration of what is or isn’t working. The Hierophant represents tradition, in some sense, so that may have you questioning societal norms, systems or other structures that infiltrate our everyday. Whether that be related to marriage, religion, traditional schooling, spiritual circles, industry “leaders” or any institution you take for granted. It is both healthy and encouraged to question the “powers that be”. What is their place in you, and what is yours within them? There are no right or wrong answers, just thoughts for consideration.

Secondary Archetype: Temperance


Assuming this year brings about about needed change, it will be especially important to ensure you’re striving for balance. Light and dark, momentum and stasis, action and reflection, etc. In order to maintain your centre and ride the waves, you’ll want to let go of any tendancy to fall to extremes. Approach everything in moderation - with thoughtful reason. If you’re feeling as if you’ve been running on fumes and your energy is waning, tend softly to your needs. On the other hand, if you’ve been deep in hibernation and neglecting the outside world, it could be time to get out there again! Spiritual as well as earthly matters must be considered in equal measure. If you can maintain this harmony within yourself, you’ll be better equipped to deal with any fluctuations in your environment - allowing them to transform, rather than topple you.

Power Cards

There are also numbered suit cards in each deck which can represent the year ahead. With them, we may be able to uncover some more practical insights and messages to help guide us. Read about the 4 5s below!

5 of Wands: The 5 of Wands depicts conflict and chaos, which may be experienced within or without. When this happens, it’s important to try to rise above the scene and assess things from a higher perspective. Also keep in mind that what looks like chaos on one level, may actually be a wise reorganization at another (see Alan Watts quote at the top!). Don’t shy away from conflict where it’s needed - it too has its place.

5 of Cups: Let's face it, there are times in life where it's really difficult to focus on the positive. This can be especially true if we're too focused on what's been, and we resist the present. During your Personal Year 5, it will be as important as ever to keep things in perspective and honour the good that is.

5 of Swords: Keep your eyes on your own lane. Everyone is traveling a unique path, in a unique way, and so it is important that you refrain from comparing your journey to that of anyone else’s. Assume intentions are good (unless evidence proves otherwise), and seek only competition with yourself.

5 of Pentacles: In what ways are you making life more difficult than it needs to be? What mentalities are keeping you back or slowing you down? Where do you feel impoverished or lacking? It is possible to experience a sense of longing when we overvalue what we don't have or undervalue what we do. Take time to evaluate what is most meaningful and satisfying; not because society deems it so, but because it feels right to you.

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