Musickal Meditations - Channeling The Hanged Man


We’re back with another track in our Musickal Meditation series. This installment features The Hanged Man. I’m excited to share this one because The Hanged Man has come to be a very special card both personally and within the context of our work here. Its mysteries have captivated us over the last couple of years, and we’ve learned so much from the themes it conveys: surrender, the law of reversal, altered states of consciousness and exchanging the material for the spiritual (while honouring both).

As with all meditations, you may opt to simply enjoy the music on its own, or work with some of the suggestions provided to perform a fuller ritual. We do hope you enjoy the sounds! We will be updating the YouTube page regularly as we add more tracks as well as storing all links on a separate page of this site, so they are easy to find! Keep reading to learn more about connecting with The Hanged Man.

Meditation Package - The Hanged Man in G Sharp


Background: The purpose of these meditations is to allow you space to connect with the 22 Major Arcana, which are, in many ways, separated aspects of ourselves. Each element of this project has been carefully considered, from the note selection to the length of the track to the written piece which accompanies it. The intention is to supply the user of the track with the musical essence of the Major Arcana in question to help them get in touch with their own inner archetype of that nature. We envision that one may use this as part of a regular meditative practice, to open up a card reading session, before or during ritual, or as a way to simply connect more with their deck.

Description for The Hanged Man: The Hanged Man shows us what is possible when we sacrifice material vision for spiritual. While the act of suspension may appear uncomfortable, it is in fact a voluntary state in which one surrenders themselves to a reversal of day-to-day consciousness. It is a letting go of what is ordinary in place of the extraordinary. Aligning ourselves with this state makes us truly super human, even if there is no outward change in our appearance to be perceived. The Hanged Man comes before Death because it is the precursor to true and lasting transformation. What are you willing to give up in order to reap those rewards?

Before listening to the meditation music, you may opt to create a ritual-like space using some of the suggestions below. Of course, these are just ideas - feel free to adapt to your liking!

Day of The Week: Monday
Candle: Blue
Incense: Sandalwood, Dittany of Crete
Oil: Myrrh, Eucalyptus, Ylang Ylang
Plants: Iris, Lily, Lotus, Jasmine, Aloe
Crystals: Pearl, Aquamarine, Azurite, Larimar, Coral
Archangel: Gabriel

The following correspondences are of a Kabbalistic nature. We have included them as a way for the practitioner to connect with the card in different ways. You can read more about this form of exploration via our blog post: Musick, Tarot & The Tree of Life.

Path: 23rd Path
Yetziratic Title: The Stable Intelligence
Connecting Sephiroth: Geburah to Hod
Action: Mars acting on Mercury through Elemental Water
Colour (Queen Scale): Sea Green
Hebrew Letter: מ, Mem, M (ma-yeem)
Letter Name: Water
Letter Value: 40

Reflect on the following passage below, designed to further set the stage before you begin.

Borne by the
Cross of Saturn,
I am the Child of
The Living Waters —

& thou art my kin;

Though forged in the
Athanor of Affliction,
I am made perfect
In the Great Ocean,

Where the suffering of selfhood
Converges w/ the bliss of Becoming.

Though my plight seemeth dire,
In truth, I am at perfect rest —
Thus do I demonstrate the
Deception of Appearance;

What the fool calls perception,
To the Wise, is but reflection,
For the inner world is fluid —
It replies to our suggestion.

Those who wouldst resist me
Thereby seal their own rejection,
Yet all those who surrender
Find in me their resurrection.


Elemental Equilibration: Bringing Balance to our Tarot Practice


Capricorn Full Moon Musings: Oppression, Restriction & Responsibility