Tarot Brain Teasers


I have a really old tarot quiz on this site, kicking around from maybe 2016 or so. I’ve never updated it in all that time, but I keep meaning to come back to it or maybe add another. Then, the other day I posted a tarot brain teaser on Instagram and I thought, let me make a quiz with more of that! But, alas, the platform I used to make that initial quiz, only allows you to make 1. After that, it’s $30 a month - no thanks!

So, we’re just gonna go ahead and make that quiz but do it as a fun, interactive little blog post! Want to play along?

Below you’ll find 10 images, all with a different teaser. On each image, you’ll also find 4 multiple choice options, so that should make it a little easier. If you get stumped, all the answers, along with their explanations, can be found at the bottom of the post!

Let us know how you did and how you liked it!



  1. C. The Lovers. This series follows cards in numerical sequence, starting with The Empress (3) and ending with The Lovers (6).

  2. B. Strength. All of the cards are associated with the fire element. Strength is also associated with Fire by way of it’s astrological correspondence, Leo.

  3. D. The World. All of the cards carry the vibration of the number 3. The World is 21, which reduces to 3 when you add 2+1.

  4. A. The Chariot. Each card is associated with an astrological sign, represented by 1 of the 4 elements. The only element missing in this list, is water. The Chariot is ruled by Cancer, a water sign.

  5. B. The Empress. The Emperor is associated with the sign Aries which is ruled by Mars, corresponding to The Tower. The Hierophant is associated with the sign Taurus which is ruled by Venus, corresponding to The Empress.

  6. C. The Sun. The first row contains cards with a 2 vibration. The second row contains cards with a 1 vibration. The Sun is 19, but can be reduced to 1 by adding 1+9 = 10 and then 1+0 = 1.

  7. D. The Moon. The first two rows use simple addition to come up with the last card. In other words, The Empress (3) + The Lovers (6) = The Hermit (9). The next two rows follow this pattern.

  8. B. The Devil. Each row depicts cards corresponding to astrological signs of a particular element. The first row are all water signs, the second row are all fire signs and the last row are all earth signs. The only card in the list of options that correspond to earth is The Devil.

  9. C. The Devil. All rows contain cards with the same numerical vibration. The first row is 3, the second row is 8 and the last row is 6. The Devil is 6 by adding 1+5.


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