everyday magick, Personal Julia Eve everyday magick, Personal Julia Eve

Cards in the Wild - Convening with Tarot in Everyday Life

Did you know you can read and receive messages from tarot without any cards?

As you engage with, learn more about and integrate the system of tarot, more happens than simply becoming a competent reader. You also become at one with its keys and the universal language of symbolism. And the more you notice, the more this system speaks, and the deeper your connection with it grows.

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learning Julia Eve learning Julia Eve

Interpreting The Cards That *Aren't* There

Exploring the cards that are visible in our spreads is the obvious way to approach any reading. But what about the cards that didn’t make an appearance? Could they also lend some insight into the bigger picture?

I’ve talked a lot about the concept of “reading in the flow”, which is essentially looking at any reading from multiple angles and perspectives. It is a way of observing how the cards interact with each other, where they connect, and also where they repel. Using this method, which examines many variables, we combine intuition with what is visible and ultimately walk away with a much broader understanding of the message.

One aspect of this approach is noting the cards that didn’t show up and considering what implication if any, that may have to the interpretation of the reading.

Let me highlight exactly what I mean with some scenarios below and then we can play around with two visual examples!

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