Shining A Spotlight On Strength
Tomorrow, January 25th, is the Full Moon in Leo. We’re also nearly complete the first month in our Collective Year 8. Both of these things share something in common and that’s their association to Strength in tarot (Justice in some decks, but we’ll get to that). Given the heavy influence this card will have on us for 2024, we thought it would be helpful to dig beyond the keywords and the basic correspondences to get to the root of what it really has to offer.
We think in this case, it all boils down to energy (just like everything else, we suppose!). But, how does that apply practically? Well, it applies because as unlimited as energy actually is, we all (at least at times) struggle to tap into it, maintain it and use it effectively. If that weren’t true, we'd be powerful beyond measure and this article would be a moot point!
Strength from BOTA - Book of Tokens.
Now, let’s go back to Strength. We think Strength is the perfect demonstration for harnessing the power of energy. As such, it can also show us how we can become pure channels for this energy to flow through us. How can it do that? Well, it can do that by teaching us some important lessons where energy is concerned, such as the ones below.
Energy is limitless: Infinity hovers above Strength's head and is also implied in the number 8. Infinity isn't just a mathematical concept. Infinity is energy. Energy is infinite. They say energy doesn't die, it just changes form. It recycles itself. Even when it feels elusive, this power is always within and around us, waiting for us to tap its potential. Strength wants to remind us of this limitless resource, especially when we’re struggling to find it.
P.S. I get anxiety (a crappy form of energy) about not having enough energy. This is a waste of energy...but also proof I have access to it! I’m not sure if that is any relief, but I think it illustrates some kind of point.
P.P.S. Some time back, we wrote an article about infinity as it relates to tarot and otherwise. Give it a read!
P.P.P.S. We can see examples of infinity playing out all around us, in nature and otherwise. A beautiful example of this is something called analemma, pictured below.
Our appetite can help and hinder us: Strength (via Teth) has associations to our sense of taste. We can increase our vital energy by consuming (figuratively and literally) things that are good for us. Sure, we can get energy from a chocolate bar or gossip, but what is the quality of that energy? Strength encourages us refine our palette and choose our power sources wisely!
Our desires are there to be leveraged: Strength tames desire, but taming is much different than prohibiting. Taming means we work with it. We find a way to use it effectively and to our advantage. Desire is a powerful form of energy. But, even it can only take us so far. Note Strength's white gown. For our desires to manifest beautifully, they must be pure. That doesn't mean what we think it means. A pure desire is this: Sustained (something that endures, regardless of circumstance). Undivided (we don't have some secondary or hidden desire wrapped up in it). Honest (it is what we say it is and it comes from us and not somewhere else). Tainted desire leads to wacky results or energy that fizzles and burns. Strength says “desire can create, transform and destroy. Use it, don’t let it use you!”
It’s important to know the law: We mentioned up top that Justice takes the 8th spot in some decks. Justice symbolizes the law - more specifically universal law (rhythm, cause & effect, polarity etc.). These principles and mechanisms are always at play, and they govern all of life, though they are often “hidden” from our view. They are hidden because they don’t rely on our conscious awareness to work - much in the way our heart continues to beat even when we’re not thinking about it. But, what they do is remind us that nothing happens for no reason. The world is not just random chaos. If you believed that to be the case, you probably wouldn’t be reading this. Knowing how the law operates is powerful - because information is empowering. Justice asks - how much more effective could you be, maneuvering through this world, if you could see beyond this veil?
P.S. We wrote a post about the 7 Hermetic Principles a few years back. They very much explain these “hidden” and underlying laws of the universe. Check it out if you’re interested!
Energy is endless. It comes in many forms. With it, we can do anything. Strength can show us how. Both for this Full Moon, our Collective Year 8 and otherwise! To utilize this power, we need to first understand the laws that govern it, then we need to act accordingly. This could look like consuming proper “nutrients”, following our inspirations, digging into our resistances and our shadows, and working with our desire in pure and sustainable ways. And then, with all that, even if something doesn’t take shape the way we hoped it would, Strength offers us compassion to learn those lessons and try again. May the force be with you!
Also, if you need a little Leo/Strength/Full Moon inspired guidance…here’s a spread!
P.S. - Sorry for all the post scripts!! We also wanted to remind you that we have more information available as it pertains to our Collective Year 8. Get all that on the Numerology section of our website!