Interview! Chatting with Thomas of Hermit's Mirror
Photo courtesy of Hermit’s Mirror.
Happy 222222!
We can talk about today’s interesting numerology in a moment, but first we wanted to share that we had the opportunity to sit down with Thomas of Hermit’s Mirror yesterday to talk about his latest deck - The Life Line Tarot: Colour Outside The Lines edition.
In our hour long convo, we discuss the Kickstarter process, the differences or changes from the first edition of this deck to the second, its connection to inner child work and the undeniable link between tarot and creativity.
I’ve pasted the full interview below and following that, you will find all the links to get in on the Kickstarter, as well as learn more about Thomas’ body of work.
Find the Life Line Tarot on Kickstarter
Connect with Hermit’s Mirror on Instagram
Learn more about Thomas’ offerings
As for the numerological significance of the day, we would break it down as such.
The energy of the number 2 is obviously quite potent. Today’s date carries that vibration x6, which also happens to be the collective year number we’re currently in. In addition, if you add up all the 2s in today’s date, you have 12, which reduces to 3. For this reason, we would explore today through the lens of three very powerful frequencies - 2, 3 and 6.
2: The number 2 marks the beginning of definition, discernment, and association. Here, we can begin comparing this to that. It is symbolic of duality, opposites, and polarities. The number 2 is like a mirror where we can get to know ourselves through our connections with others and the world around us. It is often associated with relationships, partnership, and union for this reason. It is also the number of intuition because as we begin taking in all of the information around us to form our connections, this gets stored as memory which lives in the subconscious, ruled by our intuitive faculties. (The High Priestess)
3: The number 3 shows up across many systems in significant ways. It represents the body, mind spirit connection. It also symbolizes the father, son, and holy ghost. The number 3 is related to our 3 modes of consciousness - consciousness (male), subconsciousness (female), and super consciousness (spirit). Alchemically, the 3 shows up in the form of Salt, Sulfur, and Mercury. The number 3 brings together the essence of the ones before it thus forming a triad and the point at which creativity becomes known. In the Earthly sense, the number 3 is said to be expressive, dynamic, artistic, extroverted, and interested in community. The number 3 values freedom and expansion and will push beyond rules to find its own unique way. (The Empress)
6: The number 6 carries with it an energy of service. It represents the nature of giving, our love for ourselves and others, and our innate desire for harmony in al facets of our lives. Matters of home and relationships factor into the number 6. It is conscientious energy that sees the beauty all around it and works to cultivate more. In this way, the number 6 is a bit like the gardener of the bunch. It uses the resources available, including love and care, to grow something beautiful, symmetrical, and pleasing to the senses. It can sniff out when its efforts are helping or hurting and seeks to adjust itself to bring things back to order. (The Lovers)
All that considered, today’s date speaks to connection, creativity and service. How can we use our unique gifts to bring us into harmony with our own lives and that of the collective. This is not a vibration that seeks to exert its power over others or claim dominion. These are gentle energies that promote partnership and cooperation - both internally and externally, for the betterment of ourselves and the betterment of all.
We hope you enjoyed that little overview as well as the interview! Being on camera is certainly in neither of our comfort zones, but we’re working on it!
Until next time :)
Julia & Tim