2022 By The Numbers - Navigating The 9 Year Cycle for the Year Ahead


This is an old post. 2024 Numerology is now available!

It’s December so that means it’s time for us to share our Collective and Personal Year insights for the upcoming year, based on numerology.

In this post, we’ll discuss the overall vibration of 2022 that we can expect collectively, as well as the Personal Year Number system including how to calculate your place within it. I also want to note that we will be providing Patron-exclusive content around the Personal Year Cycle throughout the month, beginning on December 4th. This will take the form of dedicated Patron-only posts for each of the numbers, 1-9, which will include additional information, plus insights from Spirit. For the basics, keep on reading!

In 2022, we are collectively moving into a Year 6, corresponding to the The Lovers card in Tarot. On top of that, each of us, based on our month and day of birth, enter into a new Personal Year. To discover where you are for the coming year, simply add your birth month + birth day + 2022, and keep adding and reducing until you get a single digit.

For example, if you were born on Dec. 22, like myself, the formula would look like this:

1+2+2+2+2+0+2+2 = 13
1+3 = 4

What does this mean though? Well, let’s start with the the energy of the Collective Year (6) and then explore the individual Personal Year numbers following that.


2022 is the year of The Lovers, or, a Collective Year 6. The number 6 represents themes involving love, service, responsibility, reciprocation, cooperation, beauty, commitment, harmony and peace. To recap, we are coming off the back of a Collective Year 5, which is typically marked by turbulence, reconfigurations and change of all variety. While some of us may start out pretty shaken up by lingering after effects, a Year 6 may bring a distinctive shift where that challenging energy is concerned.

As such, heading into 2022 may bring with it a new found appreciation for harmony in all its many facets. Acting for purely selfish reasons may prove futile, as emphasis will be placed on a fair and wholesome approach. Of course, 6 is an even number, divisible by 3 and symbolic of 2 triangles or a 6 pointed star. As such, it speaks to symmetry as an aspect of beauty and balance. This could be symmetry that we observe with our eyes, but it can also be in the way we relate to and work with others. When we move in tandem with our needs, as well as the needs of others, we come into natural harmony and exude a kind of grace that compels and positively influences those around us.

To get the most of 2022? Put the kind of energy you’d like to receive out into the world. It sounds totally cliché, but a Year 6 is one where the change we want starts with self. We must adjust our expectations based on what we’re willing to put in. Meeting experiences and other people half way is key. The law of rhythm assures that the universe always compensates, so be careful not to swing your pendulum too far one way or the other. A wise middle path, coupled with consideration to others and our planet, combined with compassion toward self, are key ingredients to making the most of this beautifully heart centered collective year.

Of course, this is the collective energy that we all have the opportunity to work with. The other part of the equation is how we fit in on an individual level. Using the calculation provided above, navigate to the number below that corresponds with where you are in the 9 year cycle for 2022 (or otherwise).

Year 1

Keywords: Beginnings, Individuality, Will Power, Seeds, Innovation
Ideal For: Planting seeds and honouring fresh starts
Crystal Companions: Citrine, Amber, Yellow Calcite
Tarot Card Archetype:
The Magician
Secondary Archetype: The Wheel of Fortune
Power Cards: The 4 Aces

There is lots more to say about a Personal Year 1. Get a comprehensive overview here.

Year 2

Keywords: Intuition, Duality, Opposites, Relationships, Polarity, Balance, Partnership
Ideal For: Building, evaluating and understanding relationships
Crystal Companions: Diamond, Moonstone, Morganite
Tarot Card Archetype:
The High Priestess
Secondary Archetype: Justice
Power Cards: The 4 2s

There is lots more to say about a Personal Year 2. Get a comprehensive overview here.

Year 3

Keywords: Creativity, Expression, Vitality, Artistry, Community, Expansion
Ideal For: Creative exploration and expression
Crystal Companions: Sunstone, Singing Quartz, Carnelian
Tarot Card Archetype:
The Empress
Secondary Archetype: The Hanged Man
Power Cards: The 4 3s

There is lots more to say about a Personal Year 3. Get a comprehensive overview here.

Year 4

Keywords: Building, Stability, Security, Authority, Organization, Foundation, Form
Ideal For: Exercising authority and creating on strong foundations
Crystal Companions: Smoky Quartz, Obsidian, Petrified Wood
Tarot Card Archetype:
The Emperor
Secondary Archetype: Death
Power Cards: The 4 4s

There is lots more to say about a Personal Year 4. Get a comprehensive overview here.

Year 5

Keywords: Configuration, Flux, Change, Expansion, Dynamism, Decisions
Ideal For: Embracing change and transformation
Crystal Companions: Garnet, Labradorite, Tourmaline
Tarot Card Archetype:
The Hierophant
Secondary Archetype: Temperance
Power Cards: The 4 5s

There is lots more to say about a Personal Year 5. Get a comprehensive overview here.

Year 6

Keywords: Love, Service, Responsibility, Reciprocation, Cooperation, Beauty, Commitment, Harmony, Peace
Ideal For: Being of service and seeking harmony
Crystal Companions: Rose Quartz, Aquamarine, Blue Lace Agate
Tarot Card Archetype:
The Lovers
Secondary Archetype: The Devil
Power Cards: The 4 6s

There is lots more to say about a Personal Year 6. Get a comprehensive overview here.

Year 7

Keywords: Inspiration, Spirituality, Introspection, Meditation, Truth, Consciousness
Ideal For: Connecting with self and the divine
Crystal Companions: Amethyst, Celestite, Selenite
Tarot Card Archetype:
The Chariot
Secondary Archetype: The Tower
Power Cards: The 4 7s

There is lots more to say about a Personal Year 7. Get a comprehensive overview here.

Year 8

Keywords: Power, Energy, Life-Force, Success, Effort, Causality
Ideal For: Achieving goals and harnessing the energy available
Crystal Companions: Green Aventurine, Tiger’s Eye, Jade
Tarot Card Archetype:
Secondary Archetype: The Star
Power Cards: The 4 8s

There is lots more to say about a Personal Year 8. Get a comprehensive overview here.

Year 9

Keywords: Consolidation, Refinement, Completion, Reflection, Release, Endings
Ideal For: Closing chapters, reflection on what’s been, and tying up loose ends
Crystal Companions: Kyanite, Malachite, Blue Topaz
Tarot Card Archetype:
The Hermit
Secondary Archetype: The Moon
Power Cards: The 4 9s

There is lots more to say about a Personal Year 9. Get a comprehensive overview here.

In conclusion, like all systems of metaphysics or otherwise, there is no one definitive approach. Not all things apply to all people at all times, but there are still snippets of truth that can be integrated wherever we are in life. It is my hope that the vibration of your number will at least shine a bit of light as you embark on 2022, and that these pages, in some way, may serve you on your journey.

With Love,
Julia & Tim


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