Julia Eve Julia Eve

Unexpected Elements: Feeling Through the Swords

The suit of Swords is known for being connected to the element air, which in turn associates it with things such as thoughts, ideas, intellect, concepts and communication. But there is something curious happening within this particular grouping of cards, which connects it strongly back to the element of water.

If you observe the landscape of the Swords, you might notice something that we also noticed - something that stands out and takes up a lot of space! For such an airy element, there sure is a of a lot of water visible in these cards! In fact, there is almost as much visible water in the Swords as there is in the Cups. And, if you don’t count the court cards, there is actually more. On top of that, 4 of the Swords cards not only depict water, but large bodies of it! Like, HUGE amounts of water! What’s going on here?

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